Thursday, 20 February 2025

Physics passing package

    10th Science Most Important Repeated Concepts

       Passing Package    

      For Below Average Students    



→ SI Units 

★ Electric Current (I) = Ampere (A)

★ Electric Charge (Q) = Coulomb (c)

★ Electric Power (P) = Watt (w)

★ Potential difference / Voltage (V) = volt (V)

★ Resistance (R) = Ohm (Ω)

★ Resistivity = ohm mete (Ω m)

→ Electric Components Symbols

→ Voltmeter

★ It measure the voltage 

★ It Connected in parallel 


★ It measure the current 

★ It connected in series 

→Electric current 

★ Flow of  electric charge through conductor.

     Or       I = Q/t

→Define 1A

★ 1A = 1 c / 1 s

→Potential difference 

★ Work done to moving electric charge.

     Or    V = W / Q

→Define 1V

★ 1V = 1 J / 1 c

→ Resistance 

★ Oppose the flow of current.

→ Resistance of the conductor depends on

★ length 

★ Thickness 

★ Materials 

★ Temperature 

→ Ohm's law

★ Voltage directly proportional to current.

     Or      V = IR

→ Joule's law of heating 

★ Heat produced in conductor directly proportional to

      (i) current (ii) resistance (iii) time  

      Or   H = I2Rt

→ Advantages of Parallel Connection 

★ If one device fail other work properly 

★ Same voltage suply 

★ Resistance decrease 

★ Current divide 

→ Disadvantages of Series Connection 

★ If one device fail other not work.

★ voltage divide 

★ Resistance increase 

★ Same Current suply 

→ Formulas 

★ I = Q / t

★ V = W / Q

★ V = IR

★ Rs = R1 + R2 + R3

★ 1/Rp = 1/ R1 + 1/R3 + 1/R3

★ H = I2Rt

★ P = VI

★ E = P t

→ Electric Bulb

★ Filament - Tungsten, because high melting point and  high resistance 

★ Gas - Argon / Nitrogen, they increase the life of      filament 

★ Working: when current passes through filament then  it becomes hot and emit light.

→ Fuse 

★ Safety device 

★ Protect the electric circuit 

★ If current is high then it become heat and melt and           beak the circuit 

→Heating Devices work on Joule's of heating 

★ Electric Toaster

★ Electric Oven

★ Electric Kettle

★ Electric Bulb

★ Electric Fuse    

- Alloys like nichrome used in electrical heating device         because high melting point ang high resistance 

             Magnetic effects of electric current          

→Magnetic field 

★ Force around the magnetic 

→ Properties of magnetic field 

★ Never intersect 

★ Closed loop

★ North pole to south - outside 

★ South pole to north - inside 

→Right hand thumb rule 

 Hold the conductor in right hand

★ Thumb - current direction 

★ Four fingers - magnetic field 


★ Current direction upward - magnetic field direction is anticlockwise 

★ Current direction downward - magnetic field direction clockwise 

→ Solenoid 

★ Solenoid is the Circular coil of insulated copper wire

Magnetic field in solenoid 

★ Same as bar magnet 

★ Inside solenoid  is uniform 


★ When soft iron core placed inside the Solenoid is converted into electromagnet.

Strength of magnetic field in solenoid increase 

★ By increasing current.

★ By increase number of coil.

→Circular loop

Magnetic field in circular loop

★ Circles around the loop

★ Straight lines at the center:

→ Fleming's left hand rule 

In Left hand 

★ Thumb - motion / force 

★ Fore finger - magnetic field 

★ Middle finger - current 

→Short circuit

★ If live wire and neutral wire direct contact cause short circuit.


★ Use good quality wire 

★ Use fuse 

★ Do not connect many device to single socket 

★ Do not use fault device 

→Over loading

Reason for over loading 

★ Sudden hike in voltage 

★ connect many device to single socket

★ When live wire and neutral wire direct contact.


★ Use good quality wire 

★ Use fuse 

★ Do not connect many device to single socket 

★ Do not use fault device 

→Earth wire 


★ Providing a low resistance path

★ Leakage  current send to ground 

★ Preventing electric shock to the user.

→Fleming's left hand rule - activity (current carrying conductor experience force)

★ Aluminium rod place b/w poles of horse shoe magnet

★ When current is pass, rod move one one direction 

★ Current is reverse, rod move another direction

               Light - Reflection and Retraction           

→ Reflection of light

★ Bounce back of light 

→ Laws of reflection 

★ Angle of incidence = angle of reflection  Or   i = r

★ Incident ray, reflected ray and normal, all lie on the same plane 

→ Important Terms 

★ Pole(P): centre of the spherical mirror. 

★ Centre of curvature(C): centre of the sphere. 

★ Principal focus of concave mirror (F): reflected rays actually meet at a point. 

★ Principal focus of convex mirror (F): reflected rays appear to meet at a point. 

★ Principal axis: line passing through C and P 

★ Radius of curvature(R): distance b/w C and P 

- Radius of curvature is twice of the focal length 

- R = 2f

★ Focal length(f): distance b/w F and P

→Concave mirror: 


★ Reflecting surface curved inwards

★ Converging mirror

★ Real and inverted image

★ Focal length negative 


★ Torches, 

★ Search light, 

★ Vehicle head light, 

★ Shaving mirror, 

★ Dentist,

★ Solar furnaces.

→Convex mirror: 


★ Reflecting surface curved inwards

★ Diverging mirror

★ Virtual and erect image

★ Focal length  positive


★ Rear view mirror in vehicle, because it give erect and diminished image.

→Mirror formula: 

★ 1/v + 1/u = 1/f 

★ m= h’ / h 

★ m= h’/h = -v/u

→ Refraction of light:

★ Bending of light . 

★ When light travels from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it bends towards the normal. 

★ When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium to a rarer medium, it bends away from the normal. 

★ Light travels faster in a rarer medium than in a denser medium. 

Laws of reflection: 

i) Incident ray, refracted ray and normal, all lie on the same plane. 

ii) sini/sinr = Constant. 

→ Convex lens: 

★ Thicker in the middle, thinner at the edge  

★ Converging lens 

★ Real and inverted image 

★ Focal length positive. 

→ Concave lens: 

★ Thicker at the edge, thinner at the middle 

★ Diverging lens 

★ Virtual and erect image 

★ Focal length negative 

→ Refractive index: 

★ The ratio of speed of light in air and speed of light in medium.    Or     n = c/v 

★ The refractive index of diamond is 2·42 that means the ratio of the speed of light in air and the speed of light in diamond is 2·42. 

★ Refractive index increase, speed light decreases

→Lens formula: 

★ 1/v – 1/u = 1/f, 

★ m = h’/h, 

 ★ m = h’/h = v/u 

★ m is positive, the image is virtual and erect 

 ★ m is negative, the image is real and inverted. 

★ m =  more than 1  - large or magnified image 

★ m = less than 1 - small or diminished image

★ m = 1 - image is same size of the object 

→ Power of lens: 

★ The power of a lens is the reciprocal of its focal length (in metres). 

★ P = 1/f 

★ SI unit is dioptre (D) 

★ 1 dioptre is the power of a lens whose focal length is 1 metre 

★ The power of a convex lens is positive (+ve) 

★ The power of a concave lens is negative (-ve).

         Human Eye and Colourful World        

→ Human eye 

Pupil: control the amount of light.

Iris: control the size of the pupil.

Ciliary muscle: change the eye lens focal length. 

Retina : image formed on retina.

→Power of accommodation of eye

★ Eye can see near and far object by changing its focal length is called Power of accommodation of eye

To see near object: 

★ Ciliary muscle contract.

★ Lens become thick.

★ Focal length decreases.

To see far/distant object:

★ Ciliary muscles relaxed.

★ Lens become thin.

★ Focal length increases

Near point - 25cm,    Far point - Infinity 

→ Myopia (Near sightedness)

Person can see near object but not see far object clearly is called myopia.


★ Increase curvature of eye lens

★ Increase length of eye ball

Corrected by use concave lens

Hypermetropia (farsightedness)

Person can see far object but not see near object clearly is called hypermetropia.


★ the focal length of the eye lens is too long, 

★ the eyeball has become too small.

Corrected by use convex lens


It occur in old age people, they not see near and far objects clearly.


★ Weakening Ciliary muscles

★ Decreasing flexibility of eye lens

Corrected by use bifocal lens

→ Cataract 

★ In old age people eye lens become Milky and cloudy,

★ Corrected by surgery 

→ Dispersion of white light 

★ White light split in to seven colours is called dispersion.

★ Band of colours of white light is called spectrum.

★ Least bend - Red,   Most bend - Voilet 

→ Formation of Rainbow 

★ Water droplets act like small prism.

★ Dispersion of sun light by water droplets.

→ Twinkling of Stars 

★ Due to atmospheric refraction of star light.

★ Due to continues changing refractive index.

→Planets do not twinkling


★ Planets closer to the earth.

★ Extended source of light from planets.

→ Tyndall effect 

★ Path of light visible due to scattering of light by particles.

→Sky appears blue 

★ Atmospheric particles scatter the blue colour.

★ Blue has shorter wavelength than red.


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