Wednesday 28 September 2022

KREIS_N2_10_School Based Assessment

Module 10

School Based Assessment

1. School Based Assessment is primarily based on the principle of :

  • Teachers in the school know their learner's capabilities better tuhan external examiners .
  • Encourage teaching according to the test as they involve frequent testing .
  • At all costs students must get high grades .
  • Schools are more efficient than external bodies of examination .
2. Inclusion of the technology in the teaching learning and assessment process helps students
  • to learn from an online platform .
  • multiple pathways to learn from multidimensional and to assess work at any time .
  • to restrict going to school regularly and allow learning in a home atmosphere from home .
  • to access any video with technology and allow access them

3. Performance based assessment can be best achieved through :

  • viva - voce
  • rubrics
  • portfolio
  • paper - pencil test
4. Which one of the statements best defines the process of assessment ?
  •  Systematically gathering information about the academic changes in children 
  • Evaluation of the changes happened in children from childhood to adolescent age .
  • Examine the student over the course of their learning .
  • Conducting test examination of the student at the end of the academic session .

5. The primary aim of laboratory learning for students is to develop :

  • Writing competence
  • Vocational competence
  • Communication competence
  • Practical competence 
6. Which one of the following statements regarding rubric is correct ?
  • This can be only developed by teachers 
  • It is only used to assess essay type questions .
  • Teachers and students must jointly construct the rubrics .
  • Self - assessment can be carried out by only using rubrics .
7. Which one of the following rubrics will be used wherein we provide feedback on proficiency rather than assigning grades to different parameters ?
  • Analytical
  • Holistic
  • Single frame only
  • Both holistic and analytical 
8. Which one of the following activities is NOT associated with portfolio assessment ?
  • Teacher organising a briefing and debriefing session .
  • On completion , students make a portfolio presentation .
  • Content and assessment criteria decided by the students and teachers .
  • Portfolio is to be submitted to the Board of Assessment for grading .
9. What is the main advantage of essay - type questions ?
  • Can diagnose the learning difficulties of students
  • They can measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured with other types of questions .
  • Easy to score
  • The student can guess the answer 
10. Which of the statements is NOT correct in the context of Transversal Competencies ?
  • Modernisation and globalisation has also contributed to a renewed focus on Transversal Competencies .
  • Teaching Transversal Competencies at the secondary stage yields maximum results .
  • Leaning of Transversal Competencies is important for the holistic progress and learning of the child .
  • Transversal Competencies are needed in multiple areas of life .
11. Which one of the following is an incorrect description of School Based Assessment ?
  • It covers non - scholastic aspects .
  • It covers only co - scholastic aspects .
  • It covers scholastic aspects .
  • It covers all aspects .

12. Assessment in education does NOT include 

  • Gathering information .
  • Using information .
  • Developing learning outcomes .
  • Interpreting information .
13. Statement I : Using case - studies method , teachers aim to develop student reasoning , problem - solving and decision making skills .
  • Statement I is true , but Statement II is false .
  • Statement I is true , but Statement II is true .
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are true , and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I.
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are true , but Statement II is not the correct explanation of the Statement I.

13. Learning outcomes concerned with the abilities to conceptualise , construct , organise , integrate , relate , and evaluate ideas can be measured using

  • Quiz
  • Rubrics
  • Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQs )
  • Oral test
14. Which of the following is NOT a common approach of incorporating Transversal Competencies in the school curriculum ?
  • Designing and teaching Transversal Competencies as a specialised subject
  • Integrating Transversal Competencies within specific subjects
  • Integrating Transversal Competencies across subjects
  • Integrating Transversal Competencies into extracurricular activities

15. Which one of the following is an important feature of self assessment ?

  • Students have understanding about their own learning .
  • Individuals give themselves marks and grades .
  • It is about supplanting the role of teachers .
  • Students get adequate opportunities to assess their peer's work .

16. Learning outcomes prescribe :

  •  Learning of the outcomes of the teaching over the year .
  • What students are expected to demonstrate they have learned .
  • What students have learned in the classroom .
  • Outcome of the session - end examination after the learning .

17. In the continuum of assessment , which one of the following is more inclined towards students leading the assessment ?

  • Standardised testing
  • Self - assessment
  • Teacher observation
  • Portfolio assessment
18. According to the recommendation of the National Education Policy 2020 , the pattern of the Board examination will shift to :
  • Content - oriented Questions .
  • Essay Type Questions only .
  • Competency - based Questions .
  • Multiple - Choice Questions .
19. Which one of the following is an important feature of Performance Based Assessment ?
  • This only provides clues about process and not about product .
  • This is used for students ' demonstration of their knowledge , skills , and strategies .
  • This can be effectively assessed through a paper pencil test .
  • This can be implemented only in the higher grades .
20. Which one is the most convenient method of online assessment at the secondary stage ?
  • Field visits
  • MCQ
  • By conducting practicals .
  • Group Projects
21. Which one of the following statements regarding rubric is correct ?
  • It is only used to assess essay type questions .
  • Self - assessment can be carried out by only using rubrics .
  • This can be only developed by teachers 
  • Teachers and students must jointly construct the rubrics .
22. Whom are students assessing when they are engaged in peer - assessment ?
  • The principal
  • The teacher
  • Themselves
  • Another student
23. Learning outcomes prescribe :
  • Learning of the outcomes of the teaching over the year .
  • Outcome of the session - end examination after the learning .
  • What students are expected to demonstrate they have learned .
  • What students have learned in the classroom .
24. Assessment in education does NOT include :
  • Developing learning outcomes . Interpreting information .
  • Using information .
  • Gathering information .
25. Which of the statements is NOT correct in the context of Transversal Competencies ?
  • Leaning of Transversal Competencies is important for the holistic progress and learning of the child .
  • Transversal Competencies are needed in multiple areas of life .
  • Teaching Transversal Competencies at the secondary stage yields maximum results .
  • Modernisation and globalisation has also contributed to a renewed focus on Transversal Competencies 
26. Statement I : Observation is an important technique and observation schedule is an important tool for assessing students .
  • Statement I is true , but Statement II is false .
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are true , and Statement II is the correct explanation of the Statement I
  • Both Statement I and Statement II are true , but Statement II is not the correct explanation of the Statement I
  • Statement I is true , but Statement II is true .
27. Which of the following is NOT a common approach of incorporating Transversal Competencies in the school curriculum ?
  • Integrating Transversal Competencies across subjects
  • Designing and teaching Transversal Competencies as a specialised subject
  • Integrating Transversal Competencies into extracurricular activities
  • Integrating Transversal Competencies within specific subjects
28. In assessment for learning , self - assessment and peer assessment are important because this will lead to :
  • Help students in active engagement .
  • Help students to increase their ability to score high marks .
  • Increased amount of feedback
  • Augment learning with self - feedback .
29. Which type of question is difficult to mark with reliability ?
  • Structured essays
  • Short answer
  • Unstructured essays
  • Multiple - choice questions
30. The following are the abilities placed under the category of complex achievement except :
  • Recalling and Understanding
  • Problem Solving
  • Creative Thinking
  • Critical Thinking
31. The very purpose of introducing School Based Assessment is to :
  • Encourage schools to excel by competing with other schools in the area .
  • Motivate teachers to religiously record all the observations of students for better interpretation of their progress .
  • Decentralize power of Board of Assessment ( BoAs ) in the country 
  • Ensure 360 - degree multidimensional development of all the children .

32. What should an assessment be based on to be holistic and free from biases ?
  • External examination
  • Only performance and skills
  • Multiple evidences
  • Experiential learning
33. In the continuum of assessment , which one of the following is more inclined towards students leading the assessment ?
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Standardised testing
  • Self - assessment
  • Teacher observation
34. While shifting focus of continuum of assessment from teacher led assessment to student led assessment , there is need to :
  • more importance to teacher designed tasks and activities .
  • more focus on reading , writing and numeracy .
  • more focus on assessment of learning .
  • shift from large scale standardized testing to school - based assessment .
34. Performance based assessment can be best achieved through :
  • paper - pencil test
  • portfolio
  • viva - voce
  • rubrics
35. Which one of the following is NOT a tool for self - assessment ?
  • Reflective sheet
  • Checklist provided by teachers
  • Class Test
  • Assignment with rubric sheet
36. What is a standard of performance for a defined domain termed as ?
  • rubrics
  • portfolio
  • blueprint
  • achievement
37. At the secondary stage , you may like to adopt case study as assessment strategy because :
  • Students are grown up and now they can reflect on issues .
  • The technique is very simple to practice and is less time consuming 
  • Gives a lot of emphasis on theoretical inputs than on practical aspects .
  • It engages students in research and reflective discussion .
38. Which one of the following activities is NOT associated with portfolio assessment ?
  • On completion , students make a portfolio presentation .
  • Content and assessment criteria decided by the students and teachers .
  • Teacher organising a briefing and debriefing session .
  • Portfolio is to be submitted to the Board of Assessment for grading .
39. Transversal Competencies relate to a certain set of :
  • knowledge , skills and attitudes
  • knowledge domains
  • media and information literacy skills
  • skills and moral values 

40. Given below are four statements about the Salient features of School Based Assessment ( SBA ) .
  • i and iv
  • ii and iv
  • iii and iv
  • i and ii 
41. Which one is NOT a parameter of Rubric ?
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Assignment Description
  • Scale - level
  • Dimensions
42. There is need to develop Core Transversal Competencies for Development at the Secondary Stage in the domain areas of :
  • only Science and Mathematics
  • only Mathematics
  • all curricular areas
  • only Science 
43. Which one of the following is a form of student self assessment ?
  • Evaluating each other's work
  • Getting involved in group project 
  • A conference with the teacher
  • A set of questions about their progress that students answer . 

44. What is a kind of assessment task where students reflect on their own performance ?
  • Peer assessment
  • A quiz
  • Self - assessment
  • Unit Test 
45. Which statement is NOT correct about Performance based assessment that it taps into students ' higher order thinking skills ?
  • evaluating the reliability of sources of information
  • using deductive / inductive reasoning to solve a problem
  • synthesising information to draw conclusions
  • reproducing knowledge - based information

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