Friday 17 March 2023

SSLC Model ppr 2


        PART A    PHYSICS        

I. Choose the correct answer.   3 X 1 = 3

1. Power of a bulb is given by the formula ,

A] P = RI      B] P = I + RT   

C] P = I²R     D] P= R²t

2. Commercial motors contain

A] permanent magnets 

B] electromagnets

C] cylinder type permanent magnets

D] aluminium magnets 

3. The fuel used in Raichur [ Karnataka ] thermal power plant is

A ] uranium - 235    B ] cobalt - 60

C ] coal                     D ] flowing water

II. Answer the following questions. 3 X 1 = 3

4. Identify the mistake in the following diagram . ( B is bulb , A is ammeter , V is voltmeter )

5. What are the factors on which the strength of an electromagnet depends ?

6. Electric filament bulbs are examples of the heating effect of electricity . How ?

III. Answer the following questions. 3 X 2 = 6

7. Draw the diagram showing far point of a myopic eye . Label the part where image is formed .


Draw the diagram of recombination of the spectrum of white light .

8. Mention the limitations of producing electricity by windmills .

9. Give reasons for the following.

a] Fuse wire should have low melting point.

b] In an electric bulb, the tungsten filament should have high melting point and high resistance.

IV. Answer the following questions: 3 X 3 = 9

10. in Draw between the ray principal diagram focus showing and the optical image centre. formed State by the a nature of the image. convex lens when the object is placed

11. With reference to a convex lens define the following 

a] Focal length

b] Radius of curvature

c] Optical centre


What is virtual image? Which type of spherical mirror and spherical lens always give virtual image for any position of the object? What is the reason for this?

12. How is a solenoid constructed? How can you increase the strength of a magnetic field of a given solenoid?

V. Answer the following questions:   2 X 4 = 8

13. a] What changes occur in the eye lens when a person is looking at far away objects? (Normal eye)

b] What is the eye disorder when a person cannot see for away objects clearly? How is this disorder corrected?

c] What is the near point of the human eye?

d] What is the far point of the human eye?

14. a] Calculate the heat produced in a resistor of 1000 ohms if a current of 0.5 ampere is passed through it for 2 minutes

b] Calculate the current flowing through a 40w filament bulb when it is connected to a voltage source of 200 volts.

      PART - B    CHEMISTRY   

VI. Choose the correct answer.   2 X 1 = 2

15. Which of the following substances can be used to detect the presence of water in homogeneous solutions of two liquids such as water and alcohol?

A] CuSO4.5H2O      B] CUSO4

C] FeSO4.7H2O      D] CaSO4.2H2O

16. The functional group of carboxylic acids is.

VII. Answer the following questions. 2 X 1 = 2

17. How is hydroxyl group of alcohol different from hydroxyl group of alkalis?

18. A piece of magnesium ribbon is burnt in air and the white powder produced is added to water. When red litmus paper iS dipped in the water, it turns blue. Why? Identify the white powder produced

19. Displacement reaction does not take place when copper is. added to ferrous sulphate solution. Why?

VIIl. Answer the following questions:    3 X 2 = 6

20. State the disadvantages of bathing  in hard water using a soap.

21. Draw the diagram of an electrolytic cell in which electrolysis of water is carried out. Label cathode and anode.

22. Write the electron dot structure of the molecules of a] hydrogen b] oxygen

IX. Answer the following questions:   3X3=9

23. Give one example each for the following types of reactions by writing the relevant balanced chemical equation:

a] Chemical combination b] Chemical decomposition c] Chemical double displacement

24. State the modern periodic law. How does it differ from Mendeleev's periodic law?


Give reasons for the following

a] Sodium (Atomic no. 11) and (Chlorine atomic no. 17) are kept in the same period. But sodium is a metal and chlorine is a non-metal.

b] Gases in the 18th group have a valency of zero

25. Observe the following reactions and answer the questions,

1] Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe

2] 2AgNO3 + Cu →Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag

3] CuSO4 + Mg → MgSO4 + Cu

Questions: a] To which type of chemical reactions do the above belong?

b] In which of the above reactions is the highest amount of heat produced?

c] Which is the most reactive and least reactive metal in the above reactions.

X. Answer the following question:   1X4=4

26. What is chlor-alkali process? Name the three products obtained during this process. Which product is used to prepare soap? Which product is used to prepare bleaching powder?


How are basic salts formed? Why is sodium hydrogen carbonate used as an antacid? How is sodium hydrogen carbonate prepared? Write the relevant equation

                 PART- C BIOLOGY             

XI. Choose the correct answer.   3x1-3

27. Which one of these does not belong to the group?

A] cow dung  B] dry leaves   

C] DDT             D] processed food

28. Which one of these develops into fruit?

A] Pollen tube      B] Style

C] Ovule                 D] Ovary

29. When a tall plant with rounded seeds (TTRR) is crossed with a dwarf plant with wrinkled seeds (ttrr), then which one of these plants is tall with wrinkled seeds?

A] ttrr    B] ARR   C] Ttrr    D]TTRr

XII. Answer the following Questions.    2X1=2

30. Define evolution

31. What is double circulation?

XII. Answer the following questions:    2X2=4

32. Represent budding in hydra diagrammatically.

33. Why is 'Project Tiger' an important project in view of ecology?

XIV. Answer the following questions:      3X3=9

34. What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?


Is vegetative propagation beneficial to farmers? Explain.

35. Draw labelled diagram showing the structure of neuron.

36. How do plants excrete?


Explain the structure of a nephron and how it works in the formation of urine.

XV. Answer the following question:    1X4=4

37. Draw a diagram of Vertical Section of the human brain and label any two parts.

XVI. Answer the following question:     1X5=5

38. Explain an experiment to demonstrate that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis.

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