Friday 17 March 2023

SSLC Model ppr - 1


        PART - A   PHYSICS         

I. Choose the correct answer.      3X1=3

1. W hen an electric current of 2 amperes is passed through four conductors for 2 minutes, the conductor that produces maximum heat has the following resistance

A] 100Ω    B] 50Ω    C] 25Ω   D] 10Ω

2. A n object of height 3 cm is placed in front of a convex mirror. The correct statement about the height of the image in the mirror can be,

A] 6cm   B] 4cm  C] 1.5cm  D] 4.5cm

3. The SI unit of power of a lens is

A] Hertz        B] Coulomb

C] Oersted    D] Dioptre

II. Answer the following questions.   3X1=3

4. Define one ampere of current.

5. How do you experimentally demonstrate that a current  carrying  conauctor  has a a magnetic field around it? "

6. Why is the word AMBULANCE on emergency vehicles written as ECNALUBMA?

III. Answer the following questions. 2X2=4

7. Draw a circuit diagram which includes two cells in series, closed plug key, ammeter, voltmeter and a bulb in series.

8. Observe the following figure and answer the given questions

Question: Between OA and OB which one indicates the correct refracted ray? Give reason for your answer.

IV. Answer the following questions.     3X3=9

9. Explain the experiment conducted by Faraday to demonstrate electromagnetic induction


Explain how can we demonstrate Faraday's experiment of electro magnetic induction without using magnet. (You are given two coils, galvanometer and a cell) Draw the relevant figure.

10. Though hydroelectric power plants do not cause pollution, they are not completely eco-friendly. Give reasons for this statement.


What is the major constituent of biogas? State the advantages of using a biogas plant fo renergy requirements.

11. A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm is used as a shaving mirror by a person. When he is using it for the first time, he observes an inverted image of his face. What might be the reason for this? How can he see a 'magnified and straight image' of his face?


An object of height 4 cm is placed in front of a convex lens of focal length 20 cm. If the object distance is 40 cm, find the nature, position and size of the image. Calculate the magnification.

V. Answer the following questions.   1X4=4

12. Give reasons for the following

a] Silver wires are used for interconnection of cells in solar power panels.

b] As compared to domestic electric cables, the cables used to transport electricity from one town to another are very thick.

c] The resistance of a 40 W electric filament bulb is higher than that of a bulb of 60 W.

d] Fuse wires of different ampere ratings are used in domestic circuits for lighting tino and and heating circuits.

VI. Answer the following question:    1X5=5

13. Explain the reasons for the following natural phenomena:

a] Blue colour of the sky during daytime.

b] Formation of rainbow

c] Twinkling of stars.

d] Early sunrise

e] Observation of the path of the beam of light from any source in a dusty or smoky atmosphere.

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       PART - B CHEMISTRY       

VII. Choose correct answer.    3X1=3

14. The following oxide can be reduced just by heating

A] Al2O3   B] HgO    C] Fe2O3   D] MgO

15. The following compound does not produce hydroxyl ions in aqueous solution

A] NaOH         B] Ca(OH)2,   

C] C2H5OH    D]KOH

16. The following salt turns red litmus blue in aqueous solution

A| NaCI  B] CaCO3,  C]MgCI2  D]Na2CO3

VIII. Answer the following question:    3X1=3

17. Oxidation of glucose in our body cells is an example of an exothermic reaction. Why?

18. What is a precipitate in a chemical reaction?

19. What is galvanisation? Why is it done?

IX. Answer the following question:     3X1=3

20. Draw the electronic structure of the ionic bond formed between sodium and chlorine in sodium chloride. (Atomic Numbers: sodium = 11, chlorine = 17)


Write the reactions taking place at the cathode and anode when electric current is passed through molten sodium chloride.

21. Draw the diagram of the apparatus used in the electrolytic refining of copper. Label any two parts.

22. Draw the diagram of the apparatus used in obtaining hydrogen gas from red hot iron and steam. Label any two parts.

X. Answer the following questions:    3X3=9

23. Small quantities of sulphur powder and carbon powder are burnt separately. Wet red litmus and blue litmus papers are held over the fumes. What changes can be observed in the colour of the litmus paper? What is the conclusion that can be drawn from this experiment


There are four colourless solutions of sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid and ethanoic acid. Which of them contains,

a] Highest amount of hydroxyl ions?

b] Highest amount of hydronium ions?

c] Lowest amount of hydronium ions?

d] Equal amount of hydroxyl and hydronium ions?

On PH scale where do you put these solutions?

24. If the general formula of three groups of fatty acids is CnH2n+1COOH,  CnH2n-1COOH, and CnH2n-3COOH respectively, write the molecular formula of the members of each group where n=15, Classify them as saturated or unsaturated. Give reason for your answer.

25. Write the balanced chemical equations for the following chemical reactions.

a] Copper plate is immersed in silver nitrate solution.

b] Silver chloride is exposed to sunlight.

c] Barium chloride is added to dilute sulphuric acid.

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          PART- C BIOLOGY         

XI. Choose the correct answer.    2X1=2

26. A human sperm contains these many number of chromosomes.

A] 46  B] 46 pairs  C] 23 pairs  D] 23

27. Which one of these statements is true?

A] Right auricle pumps oxygenated blood

B] Right ventricle receives oxygenated blood

C] Left ventricle receives deoxygenated blood

D] Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood

XII. Answer the following questions.    2X1=2

28. What are hormones?

29. What is an eco-system?

XI11. Answer the following questions.   3 X2= 6

30. Diagrammatically represent binary fission in amoeba

31. There is a notice put up in an ultrasound scanning centre, "Sex determination of the foetus is illegal and punishable". Why should such a notice be put up? What are its implications.


Are traits inherited independently? Justify

32. Draw a diagram showing the germination of pollen on stigma

XIV. Answer the following questions:   3 X2= 6

33. Construction of large dams is opposed by environmentalists and thinkers (social activists Justify their stand.

34. Differentiate between biodegradable and nonbiodegradable materials with an example each

35. Explain urine formation in humans.

XV. Answer the following question:   3 X4=12

36. Draw a diagram of the Vertical Section of the human heart and label any two parts.

37. Explain the structure and functioning of the human brain using a diagram.

38. With the help of a checker board, explain monohybrid cross ratio with regard to the height of pea plants.

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