Thursday 1 September 2022

KREIS_N2_7_Integrating Gender in Schooling Processes

Module 7

Integrating Gender in Schooling Processes

1. How can textbooks be made more gender inclusive ?

  • Include more case studies of women and transgender persons who are achievers
  •  By ensuring use of gender neutral language , gender equal visual displays and case studies of women and transgender persons .
  • gender equal visual displays .
  • Use of gender neutral language
2. Which of the following sentences are ' biological '
  • Women undergo severe pain during menstruation .
  • Men should be the only earning members of the family . 
  • Women are born nurturers .
  • Men are supposed to be strong and take care of the family .

3. Which of the following activities in school does not reflect gender discrimination ?

  • Girls are encouraged to opt for Home Science .
  • Teacher generally directs all questions related to Science to boys . 
  • Girls and boys are equally given responsibility to serve mid - day meals .
  • Boys are permitted to play football and cricket .

4. Gender roles refer to..........

  • learnt behavior based on societal norms 
  • the roles that cannot change with time .
  • roles assigned on the basis of biological differences among men and women
  • the rights of men and women .

5. Which of the following processes promotes gender sensitivity in the classrooms ?

  • By ensuring careful usage of the adjectives to address boys and girls in class activities .
  • Involving girls in decorative activities 
  • Encouraging boys to respond more in classroom .
  •  By providing different roles to boys and girls .

6. How can we ensure gender sensitive transactions of disciplines ?

  • By questioning socially constructed ideas , institutions , and practices related to gender within the disciplines .
  • By providing visuals of men , women and transgender in gender stereotypical roles .
  • Neglecting participation and contribution of women in political , social , cultural , and environmental processes
  • Under representing the participation of all genders .

7. Which of the following is not an example of gender stereotypes ?

  • Girls are well mannered and shy .
  • Children of all genders are capable of doing anything .
  • Boys are usually into hiking and scaling mountains .
  • Girls like to play with dolls
8. The term gender equity means...........
  • equality between sexes . 
  • treating transgender persons equally hu
  • quantitative distribution of opportunities among persons .
  • fairness of treatment for women and men , according to their respective needs .
9. A textbook of class IX has some illustrations which depict women as teachers and doctors while men as engineers and political leaders . This type of depiction is likely to promote : 
  • Gender discrimintion
  • Gender inclusion
  • Empowerment of Girls
  • Gender stereotype
10. For Developing a gender just society , greater focus should be on
  • Parents
  • Entire community including boys , girls , transgender children and parents
  • Boys
  • Girls
11. The principle of gender equality refers to.......
  • Equal treatment of all female
  • Equal treatment of all genders mate , females and transgender persons
  • Equal treatment of transgender children
  • Equal treatment of all males
12. Which of the following activities are not perceived as a male dominated activity ?
  • Tilling land and sowing seeds .
  • Heading a village panchayat . Alone
  • Owning a shop and doing business transactions
  • Teaching in schools
13. A Gender inclusive curriculum entails :
  • Discussions on gender , sex and gender identities in the classroom .
  • Exclusion of women's movements from different parts of the world .
  • Languages which reinforce gender stereotypes .
  • Emphasising on achievements of men
14. Which of the following statements is not true about women's rights ?
  • They have right to equal access to education
  • They do not have equal right to pay
  • They enjoy the freedom of speech .
  • They have the right to vote
15. Which amongst the following may not be considered as a challenge to democracy ?
  • Unequal wages between men and women
  • Environmental degradation tione
  • Lack of access to educational resources
  • Political representation of women
16. Which amongst the following is not true about the Hidden Curriculum ?
Gender is an inevitable element of the hidden curriculum .
  • Assignment of different tasks to boys and girls is a part of the hidden curriculum
  • It refers to the official , written and intended lessons , values and norms that are transacted in the classroom in a structured manner .
  • It is what students absorb in school which may or may not be a part of the formal course of study .
17. Which of the following statements is not a gender stereotype about boys / men ?
  • Boys / Men are athletic and muscular .
  • Boys / Men can cook and look after the household .
  • Boys / Men like to play with cars .
  • Boys / Men should be educated more than the girls / women
18. In Indian Society , the social norms and values are governed by a system of
  • Matriarchy
  • Patriarchy
  • Patriarchy and matriarchy
  • Matrilineal
19. ' Adolescence is a crucial and complex stage of the life cycle ' . Which of the following attitudes / behaviors can help in overcoming anxiety and guilt among adolescents ?
  • Make them feel guilty of their actions
  • Providing a safe space to express freely and patiently listening to their problems .
  • Negative responses from adults
  • Disregarding and discouraging feelings expressed by adolescents
20. Which of the following is not a form of gender discrmination :
  • Unequal access to public spaces
  • Unequal access to digital learning to boys and girls
  • Provision of equal wages to men and women
  • Female foeticide
21. The effective integration of gender perspectives in the teaching - learning of social sciences will enable students to 
  • Choose their careers mindfully .
  • Critically examine socio - political and economic issues and question various dimensions of inequality .
  • Improve skills of conducting experiments in the lab .
  • Enhance communication skills with teachers and peers .

22. The term gender refers to...........

  • Biological differences between women and men in terms of reproductive capacities .
  • A sociological construct
  • Equal division of labour
  • Gender and sex are same
23. How can schools provide psychological support to learners
  • By reinforcing ill effects of patriarchy within school premises .
  • By providing guidance and counseling services to learners 
  • By excluding the involvement of parents and community members in the activities of the school
  • By having a redundant monitoring and evaluation mechanism

24. Which of the following features help in ensuring a Zero - Tolerance zone for violence in schools ?

  • Untrained school and support staff .
  • No involvement of parent and community members in the school activities .
  • Poor redressal mechanisms in school
  • Safe physical infrastructures , strict code of conduct policy and strong surveillance system .
25. Which of the following are not a part of a teacher's role in classrooms ?
  • Ensure a space where learners can question stereotypes
  • Providing a space for children to safely express themselves
  • Doing homeworks on the learner's behalf .
  • Encourage participatory teaching and learning

26. Girls are generally made to present a bouquet to the chief guest at school functions . This is an example of which of the following ?

  • Gender positivity
  • Hidden Curriculum 
  • Gender sensitivity 
  • Involvement of children in school activities

27. Which of the following measures should principals take to create a gender inclusive school environment ?

  • Ensuring more security guards .
  • Gender sensitization of all the staff members including supporting staff the ag
  • Provide equal opportunities to all gender and perform periodic gender auditing of the school environment
  • Orientation of boys towards gender issues and how it impacts their own behaviors and attitudes

28. How can teachers provide a sensitive class environment ?

  • By ignoring behaviour of children who seem vulnerable irrespective of their gender 1917
  • By being friendly with them
  • By creating a safe space for children , being respectful of their needs , being available to listen and ready to unlearn their own biases .
  • By treating girls better than boys

29. Which of the following statements is not a gender stereotype about girls / women ?

  • Girls / Women have leadership skills and can excel in any profession .
  • Girls / Women are bad Decision Makers
  • Girls / Women should be thin and graceful .
  • Girls / Women are talkative

30. Which of the following themes in social sciences may not be appropriate to include gender dimensions :

  • Historical movement for liberty and freedom 
  • Solar system
  • Democracy
  • Population  

31. Which of the following aspects does not form a part of Gender Auditing of school environment -

  • Providing Counseling and Support Service
  • Gender safe Access and Safety and Security for discriminated genders
  • Involvement of Parents , prospective employers and Community Members
  • No Zero Tolerance Policy against gender violence and discrimination

32. Gender division is......

  • Division of workforce participation .
  • Biological differences among gender
  • Division on the basis of physical characteristics
  • Unequal roles assigned by society to men women and transgender

31. What kind of learning materials should be used in the classrooms ?

  • Learning materials that focus on content knowledge rather than gender issues .
  • Learning materials that are sensitive to the needs of diverse groups including all gender .
  • Learning materials that help students in rote learning .
  • Learning materials that has good visuals
32. How can a teacher facilitate a gender friendly classroom process ?
  • By forming gender biases and personal opinions about individual students .
  • By performing only one - way communication and not paying attention to the individual needs of the students of all genders .
  • By motivating boys to take up science and mathematics at the secondary stage .
  • By encouraging the students of all genders to speak without hesitation

33. How does hidden curriculum operate in the school ?

  • Through physical spaces and organizational arrangements , in celebration of events and occasions , in assigning tasks given to boys , girls and transgender in school .
  • Through organizational arrangements and in the physical spaces in schools 
  • In celebration of events and occasions within the school .
  • In assigning tasks given to boys , girls and transgender

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