Friday, 7 March 2025

10th Biology Passing Package

       Passing Package      


          LIFE PROCESSES          

→ Steps of Photosynthesis:

(i) Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll.

(ii) light energy → chemical energy and  water molecules → hydrogen and oxygen.

(iii) Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

→Aerobic respiration: 

★ Presence of oxygen 

★ More energy released 

★ Produce CO2 + H2O + Energy 

★ Ex: Plants and Animal 

→ Anaerobic respiration:

★ Absence of oxygen 

★ Less energy released

★ Produce Ethanol + CO2 + Energy 

★ Ex: Yeast

→ Glucose breakdown:

→ Alveoli:

Increase the surface area for gaseous exchange.

→ Stomach functions

★ Gastric glands release hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus. 

★ Hydrochloric acid creates an acidic medium which facilitates the action of pepsin. 

★ Pepsin digests protein. 

→Small intestine functions 

★ Small intestine is the site of complete digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

★ Enzymes in the intestinal juice convert 

- proteins into amino acids, 

- complex carbohydrates into glucose  

- fats into fatty acids and glycerol.

★ Digested food is absorbed by the villi present in the walls of intestine.

→ Villi: 

★ Finger-like projections called villi.

★ It absorb digested food.

→ Double circulation 

Blood flow through heart twice.


Suply more oxygen to body tissue and helps to maintain constant body temperature.

→Blood vessels:

★ Arteries : Carry oxygenated blood 

★ Veins : Carry deoxygenated blood 

★ Blood capillaries : Exchange of materials.

Difference between arteries and veins 



Nephron contains glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, and a long renal tubule.


★Waste materials in the blood are filtered and collected by Bowman’s capsule.

★Glucose, amino acids, salts and water, re-absorbed and urine flows along the tube.


★ Transport water and minerals

★ Unidirectional 

★ Xylem tracheids and vessels transport materials 

★ Suction pressure 

→ Phloem:

★ Transport food

★ Bidirectional 

★ Sieve tube and companion cells transport materials 

★ Osmotic pressure 

Transpiration: process of removing excess of water from plant body.

Translocation: process of transport of food from leaves to other parts of plant.

Excretion in plants 

★ Excess of water removed by transpiration

★ Remove oxygen and carbon dioxide gases through stomata

★ Resins and gums get store in old xylem


→ Types of Asexual reproduction:

→ Binary fission:

Ex: Amoeba, Leishmania

→ Multiple fission:

Ex: Plasmodium

→ Fragmentation:

Ex: Spirogyra


Ex: Planaria

→ Budding:

Ex: Hydra

→ Spore Formation:

Ex: Rhizopus

→ Advantages of vegetative propagation:

★Early flowering and fruit formation.

★ To grow many plants like sugarcane, roses, or grapes.

★ Genetically similar plants produce.

→ Difference b/w Fragmentation and Regeneration 

The organism breaks-up into smaller pieces upon maturation, each piece develops into new individual If organism is somehow cut or broken into many pieces, each piece grows into a complete organism
Ex: SpirogyraEx: Planaria

→ Sexual Reproduction in Plants 

→ Self pollination

Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of same flower.

→ Cross pollination:

Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of different flower.

→ Changes in flower after fertilization:

★ Zygote →Embryo 

★ Ovule → Seed

★ Ovary → Fruit 

→ Male reproductive parts functions 

★ Testis: Produce sperm and Testosterone hormone 

★ Vas deferens: Transfer of  sperm

★ Prostate and Seminal vesicles:  Secrets fluid which helps sperm movement and provide nutrition.

→ Female reproductive parts functions

★ Ovary: Produce egg and estrogen hormone 

★ Fallopian tube: transfer egg

★ Uterus: embryo development


★ Transfer oxygen and food from mother to embryo 

★ Transfer waste form embryo to mother.

→ Menstruation cycle 

★ Every month the uterus wall becomes thick and spongy.

★ If the egg is not fertilized, it breaks and comes out through the vagina as blood and mucous.

→ Contraceptive methods

★ Barrier method: Condoms, Diaphragm 

★ Physical method: Copper T

★ Chemical method: Oral pills, Vaginal Pills

★ Surgical method: Tubectomy(female), Vasectomy(Male)

Sexual transmitted disease:


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