Tuesday 28 March 2023

10th Hot Model ppr 5

        10th Science Hot Model Paper 5  

                      PART A PHYSICS                   

I. Multiple Choice Questions: 2X1=2

1. The major mistake in the diagram is

A] direction of magnetic field is wrong

B] magnetic field lines are crossing each other

C] magnetic field lines are not parallel

D] there are only three magnetic field lines near the poles.

2. Spent slurry of a biogas plant is an excellent manure because

A] it is rich in potassium salts

B] it contains nitrogen and phosphorus compounds

C] it is rich in calcium sulphide

D] it contains methane and carbon dioxide

II. Answer the following questions: 3X1=3

3. A 100 V light bulb draws a current of 0.5.A.Calculate the power drawn

4. In Fleming's right hand rule, what does the middle finger indicate?

5. What should be the rating of the fuse wire when an electrical heater of 2 kW is conneeted to 200V supply?

III. Answer the following questions: 3X2=6

6. Draw the ray diagram showing a hypermetropic eye. How can it be corrected?

7.  List the non-conventional or alternative sources of energy. Which source of energy would you suggest for villages having sufficient cattle population?

8. How are the following related to each other in a circuit? Write the equations

i] power, current and resistance

ii] power voltage and current

IV. Answer the following questions; 3X3=9

9. Draw the ray diagram of the image formation by a concave mirror when the object is placed beyond C (2F) from the centre of the mirror. What is the nature of the image?

10. How are the following related to each other?

i] focal length and radius of curvature

ii] image distance, object distance and focal length of a concave mirror.

iii] objective distance, image distanceand magnification in the case of real image of a concave mirror.


What are the defects of vision associated with the following and how are they corrected?

i] Excessive curvature of the eye lens and elongation of the eyeball

ii] Focal length of the eye lens is too long and eyeball is too small

iii] Decrease in the power of accommodation of the eye

11. Draw a diagram of a D.C. motor and label any two parts

V. Answer the following questions:   2X4=8

12. i] Explain any two effects of atmospheric refraction for an observer on Earth.

i] If you are a.teacher, what conditions will you create in the classroom to demonstrate the Tyndall effect of light?

13. State the factors on which heat developed in a conductor due to electricity depends. Give any two practical applications of the heating effect of electricity.

                     PART - B CHEMISTRY              

VI. Multiple Choice Questions: 3X1=3

14. During the electrolytic extraction of metals, metals collect at the cathode because they are

A] Electron donors

B] Conductors of electricity

C] Electropositive

D] Electronegative

15. Black-and-white photography is based on the principle that

A] chemicals undergo a chemical change by heat

B] chemicals undergo change due to light falling on them

C] chemicals undergo change by electricity

D] chemicals undergo change by the action of dilute acids

16. The molecular formula of cyclohexane is

A] C6H14       B] C6H6

C] C6H12       D] C6H10

VII. Answer the following questions: 3X1=3

17. Which is the ionic end of the micelles formed by soap in water?

18. Write the balanced equation of the chemical reaction taking place when a small picce osodium metal is added to water.

19. What are amphoteric oxides?

VII. Answer the following questions: 3X2=6

20. Mention the similarities and differences between cyclohexane and benzene


What is isomerism? Write the structures of isomers of butane

21. Write the equation of the chemical reaction taking place when ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide.

22. Give reasons for the following:

i] Ethane can undergo substitution reaction, but not addition reaction.

ii] Liquid hydrocarbons do not conduct electricity.

IX. Answer the following questions:  3X3=9

23. i] Why does lime water turn milky when carbon dioxide is passed through it?

ii] Why does this milkiness disappear when carbon dioxide continues passing through it?

iii] Write the relevant equations for these reactions.

24. State the following.

i] Newlands' law of octaves

ii] The law of triads

In a triad the atomic mass of the first two elements is 100 and 120, What is the atomic mass of the third element?


The atomic numbers of magnesium, aluminum, and 'X' are 12, 13 and 10 receptively. To which period do the elements belong? Also find the group no. of'X", giving reasons for your answer.

25. Explain each of the following with an example of a relevant equation in each case:

i] electrolysis of molten sodium chloride

ii] calcination

iii] roasting

X. Answer the following question:  1X4=4

26. Reactivity of zinc, iron and lead is to be tested by using dilute hydrochloric acid. How can this be done by a simple experiment?


Explain the method of preparing bleaching powder. State any four uses of bleaching powder.

                        PART C BIOLOGY                  

XI. Multiple Choice Questions: 3X3=9

27. Which one of these is not eco-friendly?

A] Switching off lights and fans while not in use

B] Walking to school, instead of travelling by a two wheeler

C] Using plastic carry bags to carry purchases from a local market

D] Keeping windows open for clean fresh air

28. The adjoining figure represents

A] Budding

B] Fragmentation

C] Binary fission

D] Regeneration

29. Proteins are made of

A] Amino acids

C] Sugars

B] Fatty acids

D] Minerals

XII. Answer the following questions:   3X3=9

30. What are fossils?

31. Define recycling

XIII. Answer the following questions:  2X2=4

32. Draw neat labelled diagrams of an open and closed stomatal pore.

33. Explain how you can experimentally test a leaf for the presence of starch.

XIV. Answer the following questions:  3X3=9

34. Differentiate between saprophytes and parasites. Give an example of each


Explain an experiment to demonstrate that carbon dioxide is exhaled during aerobic respiration.

35. Draw a diagram showing the structure of a nephron and label any two parts.

36. Explain an experiment to demonstrate phototropism and explain the results


List the functions of:

a] Cytokinins

b] Abscisic acid

XV. Answer the following questions:   1X4=4

37. Draw the diagram of vertical section of the human heart and label the following parts

i] chamber receiving deoxy genated blood

i] veins which receive blood from lungs

XVI. Answer the following questions: 1X5=5

38. Explain the different methods of contraception

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