Friday 24 March 2023

10th Chp 16 Prvs yrs aprd qn

                      Class 10 Science                  


        Previous Years Appeared Questions   


1. By constructing Khadin check-dams in level terrains, (April 2019)

(A) underground water level decreases

(B) underground water level increases

(C) vegetation in the nearby areas are destroyed due to excess moisture

(D) underground water gets polluted  

Ans:  (B) underground water level increases

                 ONE MARKS QUESTIONS             

1. In the alpine meadows of the great Himalayan National Park, the practice of regular grazing by sheep was put to an end. What are the effects on the meadows due to this measure? (Sep 2020)

Ans. : Without the regular grazing by the sheep, the grass first grows very tall and then falls over preventing fresh growth.

               TWO MARKS QUESTIONS          

1. List the disadvantages of using fossil fuels. (April 2019)

Ans :

★ When these fuels are burnt, the products are oxides of carbon, water, oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulphur.

★ Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur may lead to acid rain.

★ Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. When its concentration in the atmosphere increases continuously, leads to intense global warming.

2. List the advantages of reduce‘ and reuse‘ to save environment. (April 2019)

Ans :

★ By the practice of Reduce‘, we can save (i) Electricity (ii) Water (iii) Food (iv) Natural resources.

★ By the practice of Reuse‘ (i) Environment pollution can be controlled (ii) Materials are available for immediate use (iii) Energy can be saved (iv) Use of raw materials can be minimised.

              THREE MARKS QUESTIONS               

1. (i) How does combustion of fossil fuels cause greenhouse effect ?

(ii) List the reasons for failure in sustaining ground water.  (June 2019)

Ans :

(i) Combustion of fossil fuels Releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere . The increase in carbon dioxide leads to global worming

(ii) Reasons for failure in sustaining ground water-

★ Deforestation

★ Growing crops which demand high water

★ Pollution due to industrial effluents

★  Pollution due to urban wastes.

2. (i) Reuse of plastic products is better than recycle method. Why ?

(ii) Local people are stakeholders of forest resources. Explain. (June 2019)


(i) In recycling method energy is required , which in turn leads to pollution . There is no need of energy in reuse method.

(ii) Local people depend on forest resources for following purpose -

★  For fire wood : Timber and Thatch.

★  For bamboo used in huts & baskets

★ For implements of agriculture, fishing and hunting.

★ To gather fruits, nuts and medicines.

★ To fodder for their cattle‘s.

3. Building crescent shaped earthen embankment in level terrain is better than the construction of large dams across the river to store water.‖ Analyse this statement with their effects. (April 2020)

Ans. : Problems of constructing large dams across the river -

★ Social problems : Effects of the construction of large dams across the rivers

★ Economic problems : Swallop up huge amount of public money.

★ Environmental problems : They contribute enormously to deforestation and loss of biological diversity.

Advantages of building crescent shaped earthen embankment in level terrain :

★ They recharge the ground water beneath.

★ Water does not evaporate, but spreads out recharge wells and provide moisture for vegetation.

★ It does not provide breeding grounds for mosquitoes like stagnant water

4. Coal and petroleum products should be used judiciously. Why ? (April 2023)

Ans. : 

★ Coal and petroleum contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur. When these are burnt, carbon dioxide, water, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur and carbon monoxide are released. 

★ All gases released result in air pollution. 

★ Coal and petroleum are non-renewable / exhaustible sources of energy. 

★ Excess of carbon dioxide released leads to greenhouse effect. 

 ★ It also leads to global warming. 

 ★ Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur lead to acid rain. 

★  Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas and harmful to lives of organisms.  

                IMPORTANT QUESTIONS             

1. Why do you think that there should be equitable distribution of resources? What forces would be working against an equitable distribution of our resources?

Ans :

 Everyone has rights to use natural resources. There should be equitable distribution of resources so that all, rich, powerful and poor people get benefit from the development of these resources.

★ Rich, greedy and powerful people could work against an equitable distribution of our resources.

★  These resources does not reach the people those are far away from their availability.  

2. A short-term goal in resource management is disadvantageous‖ Justify the statement.

Ans :

★ Exploiting resources with short term aim would be self-centred satisfaction. They provide immediate advantages. But later it will be hazardous to the environment.

★ For example : Constructing huge dams may fulfill our present need. In long term it cause adverse effect on environment

3. It is essential to have long-term goal in resource management. Why ?

Ans : The resources can be used for the benefit of the present generation and also conserved for the benefit of generations to come. This ensures uniform distribution of resources among the people.

4. How can you as an individual contribute or make a difference to the management of (a) forests and wildlife, (b) water resources and (c) coal and petroleum ?

Ans :

(a) forests and wildlife -

★ By reusing and reducing papers we may contribute the conservation of forest

★ By refusing the purchase of things made of wild life we may contribute the conservation of wildlife

(b) water resources -

★ By reusing waste water for garden

★ By refusing things like detergents we may prevent water pollution

(c) coal and petroleum -

★ By using public transport rather than individual we can conserve fuels

★ By avoiding unnecessary use of electricity

5. Managing forest and wildlife is challenging task Justify the statement by any two examples.

Ans :

★  It is difficult to observe the activities of people living in and around forest

★  Difficulties in controlling the forest fire

★ To control the encroachment of forest area

★ Hunting wildlife for ethnic tradition

6. Give any two examples for People‘s Participation in the Management of Forests 

Ans :

★ Amrita Devi Bishnoi, sacrificed her life along with others for the protection of khejri‘ trees in Khejrali village .Rajasthan.

★ The Chipko Andolan, result of a grass-root level effort to end the alienation of people from their forests. The movement was originated in a remote village called Reni in Garhwal

★ With the active and willing participation of the local community, the sal forests of Arabari underwent a remarkable recovery. 

7. Who are the stakeholders ?

Ans :

(i) the people who live in or around forests are dependent on forest produce for various aspects of their life

(ii) the Forest Department of the Government which owns the land and controls the resources from forests.

(iii) the industrialists –who use various forest produce,

(iv) the wildlife and nature enthusiasts who want to conserve nature in its pristine form.

8. List any four human activities for deforestation.

Ans :

★ Converting forest land in to an agricultural land

★  Mining in forest area

★ Constructing dams and roads in forest area

★ Hectic use of forest products like timber , paper etc.

9. Suggest two measures for controlling CO2 levels in atmosphere.

Ans :

(i) Reduce or refuse to the use of fossil fuels

(ii) Planting more trees or forest conservation efforts has to be practiced

10. Ground water conservation is more advantageous to any other means of water conservation. Why ?

Ans :

(i) It does not evaporate

(ii) It spreads and recharges the wells

(iii) It provides moisture for vegetation

(iv) It does not provide breeding ground to mosquitoes

(v) it is protected by contamination by human or animal wastes

11. What is sustainable development ? Why do we need to manage our resources ?

Ans : Economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources is called sustainable development.

(i) Natural resources are limited in quantity.

(ii) Due to increase in population, their demand has increased resulting in over use of resources.

(iii) To make available and utilize for the future generations  

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