Thursday 21 July 2022

KREIS_N2_3_Personal-Social Qualities for Holistic Development


1. How many senses do we have ?

  • Three
  • Seven
  • Five
  • Four
2. What includes pre - existing interest ?
  • Child has a strong interest or passion for something
  • Child has past experience of something
  • Child has a strong interest or passion for sports
  • Child has old belief for something

3. How many types of interaction are there in a classroom ?

  • Four
  • One
  • Three
  • Two
4. What kinds of interests come under ' knowing children's interest ' ?
  • Pre - existing interest and sports interest
  • Creative interest and potential interest
  • Pre - existing interest and past Infor terest Soluti
  • Pre - existing interest and potential interest
5. Maximum learning happens when
  • Time schedule is followed
  • All senses are involved in learning
  • Children laugh 
  • Class attendance is full
6. What should children do to become active and autonomous learners ?
  • Be playful
  • Be inquisitive , take initiative , be confident , inventive , and reflective
  • Go to the school everyday
  • Listen to the teachers carefully
7. What is meant by ' interaction with material ' ?
  • Children engage with a range of learning / play material
  • Children create stories and poems on learning / play material
  • Children buy learning / play material 
  • Children have talking toys like talking dolls , etc
8. What are the three types of interactions in the classroom ?
  • Self interaction , adult interaction , and material interaction
  • Peer interaction , adult interaction , and material interaction
  • Peer interaction , family interaction , and material interaction 
  • Peer interaction , neighbour interaction , and material interaction
9. Access to the natural world beyond the classroom and hands - on experience are the examples of boosting what kind of intelligence ?
  • Practical Intelligence
  • Analytical intelligence
  • Sensory intelligence
  • Creative Intelligence
10. What should be the role of a teacher in the learning of children ?
  • Monitor
  • Facilitator
  • Caretaker
  • Partner
11. Once teachers have discovered children's learning needs , what should they do ?
  • Tailor the learning plan or the instructional process
  • Prepare a weekly schedule
  • Make children sit
  • Collect the material
12. Not being too directive is a part of being
  • Professional
  • Strict
  • Patient
  • Caring
13. Which of the following is NOT a way of communicating empathy ?
  • Non - verbal attentiveness
  • Verbal attentiveness 
  • Showing pity for the person
  • Pace with the person's mode of experience
14. To help develop a positive environment , one must be
  • Judgemental
  • Patient and caring
  • Thinking and responding quickly
  • Decisive
15. Greeting students with a warm smile as they enter school helps to develop
  • Smile
  • Trustworthiness
  • Empathy
  • Sensitivity

16. If a student always gets into conflict when working in a group , the student needs to learn
  • Compassion
  • Cooperation
  • Team spirit
  • Team building
17. Understanding another person's point of view is
  • Perspective taking
  • Sensitivity
  • Trustworthiness
  • Empathy
18. The best way to face obstacles is
  • To ignore them and move on
  • To accept , analyse and correct them
  • To work with others involved in it
  • To accept them
19. Choose the correct description of the quality of Sensitivity
  • Taking the perspective of others
  • Being able to work with others
  • Being aware of the feelings and thoughts of others
  • Sincerity towards thoughts and feelings of self and others
20. Knowing and understanding students can be achieved through
  • Being inquisitive
  • Being judgmental
  • Being evaluative
  • Being sensitive
21. To communicate respect to learners , a teacher needs to
  • Address them by their name
  • Let them have their way always
  • Not question their actions
  • Avoid their flaws
22. Empathy is when one is
  • Understanding oneself
  • Understanding others ' concern and context
  • Reasoning with self
  • Feeling sorry for others
23. A student in Class IX has not been able to pay the school fee . The student is also not showing much progress in the class assessment . The teacher scolds the student in the
  • Sensitivity
  • Smile
  • Confidence
  • Eye Contact
24. Asking probing questions to know more about the other person reflects the intention
  • To judge
  • To develop a good rapport
  • To be caring
  • To advice
25. Which of the following are the characteristics of a sensitive person ?

  • Unable to show / display non - verbal expression
  • Able to observe others ' non - verbal expressions
  • Able to observe other's ' language proficiency
  • Unable to quickly understand what others are saying
26. For effective communication ,
  • One must listen
  • One must speak , listen and respond
  • One must speak
  • One must respond
27. Which of the following is NOT essential for effective communication ?
  • Giving all the answers
  • Being attentive
  • Understanding words
  • Understanding silence
28. Which of the following statements show a positive self attitude ?
  • I will make all attempts to manage conflicts in workplace
  • I have every facility
  • I am capable of creating difficulty
  • I am not feeling good enough
29. Geeta likes to win every activity she takes part in both in the classroom and outside . , She does not take failure in anything . Which of the following qualities does she lack ?
  • Empathy
  • Effective communication
  • Sensitivity
  • Sporting spirit
30. A student always comes to class untidily dressed and wears spectacles . Classmates make fun of the student and call the student ' Chasmish ' . Which of the following PSQs would you
  • Pity
  • Respect
  • Sensitivity
  • Acceptance
31. Which of these are NOT the characteristics of an effective helper ?
  • Solving the problems for the individual
  • Facilitating behaviour change
  • Helping in decision making
  • Facilitating understanding of emotions
32. A positive learning environment cannot be created by
  • Accepting the uniqueness of all children
  • Effective classroom management
  • Comparing students with their classmates
  • Using appropriate disciplining techniques
33. The best way to describe the role of the a teacher in the present context is
  • Teacher as a counsellor
  • Teacher as a leader 
  • Teacher as therapist
  • Teacher as a storehouse of knowledge
34. The worst way to practice PSQs is by
  • Being flexible to adapt
  • Being insensitive to the needs of the students
  • Engage in effective listening
  • Taking genuine ಇಂಟರೆಸ್ಟ್
35. Which of the following is an indicator of accepting oneself ?
  • Being concerned about the way you looks
  • Being preoccupied with becoming better than others
  • Being concerned about what others think about you
  • Trying to work on one's shortcomings
36. Seeing good in self and others , taking initiative and being cooperative indicate a
  • Perspective taking
  • Empathetic understanding
  • Sincerity
  • Positive attitude 
37. When you attend to the content as well as the feeling of what a person is saying you are
  • Responding
  • Active Listening
  • Passive Listening
  • Communicating 
38. Which of the following statements is NOT correct :
  • All learners are unique TL Technical soluti
  • All children are meant to be in school
  • A diverse classroom is a hurdle in creating learning opportunity for all
  • Different children learn at a different pace
39. Understanding that a student in your class moves in the seat when the student is listening attentively reflects your ability to
  • Be Trusting
  • Empathise
  • Be Decisive
  • Be sensitive and carring 
40. Choose the correct description of the quality of Sensitivity
  • Taking the perspective of others
  • Being able to work with others
  • Being aware of the feelings and thoughts of others
  • Sincerity towards thoughts and feelings of self and others
41. Which of the following is an effective non - verbal communication ?
  • Maintaining eye contact when listening
  • Pausing more while speaking
  • Not looking directly into the speaker's eyes
  • Leaning backward when paying attention
42. Learners in the classroom imbibe PSQs by :
  • Being harassed by others
  • Emulating the teacher
  • Being given lectures on moral science Being punished for bad behaviour
43. Taking genuine interest in a conversation is a sign of
  • Empathy
  • Concern
  • Acceptance
  • Leadership 
44. Which of the following are the characteristics of a ' sensitive ' teacher ?
  • Monitoring oneself and others all the time
  • Being conscious of one's own needs
  • Being hurt by criticism
  • Being attuned to the needs and problems of students
45. If a student always gets into conflict when working in a group , the student needs to learn
  • Team building
  • Compassion
  • Cooperation
  • Team spirit 
46. As a teacher - facilitator which approach would you think is best to develop Personal - Social Qualities in learners of secondary stage ?
  • Modelling the desired qualities yourself
  • Regular instructions
  • Giving examples of other learners who according to you are good
  • Punishment for misbehaving
47. In case of a conflict amongst your students , which strategy would you apply as a teacher ?
  • Refer the matter to the school Principal
  • Facilitate a dialogue between the students
  • Use your authority and decide how to resolve the conflict
  • Overlook the matter thinking that with passage of time it will get resolved
48. Taking responsibility for one's own actions reflects
  • Leadership
  • Positive social skills
  • Acceptance
  • Communication
49. When you attend to the content as well as the feeling of what a person is saying you are
  • Active Listening
  • Communicating
  • Responding
  • Passive Listening
50. When you are deciding whether a learner in your class is ' good ' or ' bad ' you are being :
  • Strict
  • Judgmental
  • Supportive
  • Careless

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