Wednesday 16 June 2021

SSLC - Biology Multiple Choice Question Bank


10th Biology

Important Multiple Choice Questions and  answers


1. A blood vessel which pumps the blood from the heart to the entire body: 

A. artery      B. capillary        C. Vein       D. Haemoglobin 

Answer: A. artery 

2. Name a circulatory fluid in the human body other than blood. 

A. Platelets      B. RBC         C. Lymph          D. Plasma 

Answer: C. Lymph 

3. Single circulation, i.e., blood flows through the heart only once during one cycle of passage through the body, is exhibited by which of the following: 

A. hyla, rana, draco                                B. whale, dolphin, turtle 

C. labeo, chameleon, salamander      D. hippocampus, exocoetus, anabas 

Answer: D. hippocampus, exocoetus, anabas 

4. Haemoglobin levels in the blood samples of two persons A and B are found to be 9 gm/dL and 13 gm/dL respectively. Which statement is true with respect to the amount of oxygen supply in their body? 

A. More in person B than in person A 

B. More in person A than in person B 

C. Equal in person A and person B 

D. No relation between oxygen supply and the level of haemoglobin. 

Answer: A. More in person B than in person A 

5. Blood consist of what fluid medium? 

A. Lymph        B. Platelets      C. Plasma      D. All of these 

Answer: C. Plasma 

6. One cell-thick vessels are called 

A. Arteries      B. Veins     C. Capillaries        D. Pulmonary artery 

Answer: C. Capillaries 

7. The only artery which carries deoxygenated blood is: 

A. Pulmonary artery        B. Renal artery 

C. Hepatic artery               D. Coronary artery 

Answer: A. Pulmonary artery 

8. How many chambers does a frog’s heart have? How many chambers does a frog’s heart have? 

A. 1             B. 2           C. 3          D. 4 

Answer: C. 3  

9. Oxygenated blood reaches heart by 

A. Pulmonary artery         B. Pulmonary vein 

C. Aorta                                 D. Vena cava

 Answer: B. Pulmonary vein 

10. Which of the following substances is transported by blood plasma? 

A. Food         B. Potassium          C. Alcohol              D. All of these

Answer: D. All of these 

11. How many chambers are present in human heart? 

A. One         B. Two        C. Three          D. Four 

Answer: D. Four 

12. In humans, right auricle receives ______ blood from______ 

A. Oxygenated, aorta               B. Deoxygenated, vena cava 

C. Oxygenated, vena cava       D. Deoxygenated, aorta 

Answer: B. Deoxygenated, vena cava 

13. Veins have valves to 

A. Prevent back flow of blood                 B. Prevent the collapse of the vein 

C. Maintain its position in the body      D. None of these 

Answer: A. Prevent back flow of blood 

14. The colour of blood plasma is: 

A. Red        B. Pale yellow      C. Yellowish green       D. Pink 

Answer: B. Pale yellow 

15. Where does the maximum exchange of material between blood and surrounding cells occur? 

A. Heart        B. Veins       C. Arteries          D. Capillaries 

Answer: D. Capillaries 

16. The only reptile having 4- chambered heart is: 

A. Snake      B. Turtle       C. Lizard         D. Crocodile 

Answer: D. Crocodile 

17. Superior and inferior vena cava respectively carries blood from 

A. Upper and lower parts of body 

B. Lower and upper parts of body 

C. Upper and lateral parts of the body 

D. Lateral and lower parts of the body 

Answer: A. Upper and lower parts of body 

18. The chamber of heart that receives deoxygenated blood from the tissues of body is 

A. Left atrium             B. Right atrium 

C. Left vertical            D. Right ventricle. 

Ans: B. Right atrium 

19. The xylem in plants are responsible for 

A. transport of water                   B. transport of food

C. transport of amino acids       D. Transport of oxygen 

Answer: A. transport of water 

20. Significant role of stomata in transportation is to: 

A. Create upward pressure      B. absorb carbon dioxide. 

C. release oxygen                        D. perform transpiration continuously 

Answer: A. Create upward pressure 

21. It helps in translocation of food in plants. 

A. Xylem       B. Palisade cells      C. Root hairs        D. Phloem

Answer: D. Phloem 

22. Which plant tissue transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaf? 

A. Xylem      B. Phloem        C. Parenchyma          D. Collenchyma 

Answer: A. Xylem 

23. The movement of food in phloem is called: 

A. transpiration     B. translocation      C. respiration        D. evaporation 

Answer: B. translocation 

24. Name the tube which connects the kidneys to the urinary bladder. 

A. Urethra       B. Nephron       C. Tubule         D. Ureter 

Answer: D. Ureter 

25. Which part of nephron allows the selective reabsorption of useful substances like glucose, amino acids, salts and water into the blood capillaries? 

A. Tubule      B. Glomerulus      C. Bowman’s capsule         D. Ureter 

Answer: A. Tubule 

26. Where is the dirty blood in our body filtered? 

A. Heart        B. Lungs      C. Ureter        D. Kidneys 

Answer: D. Kidneys 

27. The procedure used for cleaning the blood of a person by separating urea from it is called: 

A. osmosis      B. filtration       C. dialysis         D. double circulation 

Answer: C. dialysis 

28. Urea formation takes place in 

A. liver      B. kidney      C. lungs       D. skin 

Answer: A. liver 

29. Identify the correct path of urine in the human body. 

A. Kidney → urinary bladder → urethra → ureter 

B. Urinary bladder → ureter → kidney → urethra 

C. Kidney → ureter → urethra → urinary bladder 

D. Kidney → ureter → urinary bladder → urethra 

Answer: D. Kidney → ureter → urinary bladder → urethra 

30. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for 

A. nutrition      B. respiration       C. excretion       D. transportation. 

Answer: C. excretion 

31. The blood pressure is measured by the instrument called, 

 a) Manometer                        b) Barometer 

c) sphygmomanometer       d) Photometer 

Ans: c) Sphygmomanometer 

32. Blood clotting is done by 

 a) RBC          b) WBC       c) platelets        d) plasma 

 Ans: c) platelets 

33. Normal blood pressure in human beings is, 

 a) 160/80 mmHg         b) 120/80mmHg 

c) 120/72mmHg           d) 80/120mmHg 

 Ans: b) 120/80mmHg 

34. Name the largest artery of the body 

 a) pulmonary artery       b) pulmonary vein 

c) aorta                                d) renal artery 

 Ans: c) aorta 

35. Roots of the plant absorb water from the soil through the process of 

 a) diffusion           b) transpiration 

c) osmosis             d) transportation 

 Ans: a) diffusion 

36. What is the advantage of different chambers present in human heart? 

 a) Prevent blood clotting 

b) To mix the oxygen rich blood with deoxygenated blood 

c) To get highly deoxygenated blood 

d) To prevent oxygenated blood mixing with deoxygenated blood 

 Ans: d) to prevent oxygenated blood mixing with deoxygenated blood 

37. Vena cava carries, 

 a) Oxygenated blood from lungs to heart 

 b) Deoxygenated blood from body parts to the heart 

 c) Oxygenated blood from heart to body parts 

 d) Deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs 

 Ans: b) Deoxygenated blood from body parts to heart 

38. The opening and closing of stomatal pore depends on 

 a) oxygen                                           b) water in guard cells 

c) carbon di oxide in stomata       d) temperature 

 Ans: d) temperature 

39. The blood leaving the tissues is rich in, 

 a) haemoglobin      b) carbon di oxide       c) water        d) oxygen 

 ans: b) carbon di oxide 

40. What prevents backflow of blood during contraction in heart? 

 a) Valves in heart                    b) Thick muscular walls of ventricles 

 c) Thin walls of atria              d) All 

 Ans: a) Valves in heart



1. Any change in the environment to which an organism responds is called 

A. stimulus    B. coordination    C. response      D. hormone 

Answer: A. stimulus 

2. The Brain is responsible for 

A. thinking                                B. regulating the heart blood 

C. balancing the body            D. All of the above 

Answer: D. All of the above 

3. The structural and functional unit of human nervous system is 

A. neuron        B. nephron         C. hepatic cell         D. cell 

Answer: A. neuron 

4. A microscopic gap between a pair of adjacent neurons is called 

A. impulse       B. dendrite        C. axon        D. synapse 

Answer: D. synapse 

6. Which nerves transmit impulses from the central nervous system towards muscle cells?

A. Sensory nerves                B. Motor nerves 

C. Relay nerves                     D. Cranial nerves 

Answer: B. Motor nerves 

7. The main coordinating centre in the human body is 

A. spinal cord      B. heart       C. brain       D. kidney 

Answer: C. brain

8. The centre of reflex action is 

A. brain      B. spinal cord      C. cerebrum        D. cerebellum 

Answer: B. spinal cord 

9. ------- neuron carries the message from receptors to the spinal cord 

A. Sensory nerves       B. Motor nerves 

C. Relay nerves            D. Cranial nerves 

Answer: A. Sensory nerves 

10. Receptors are located in ------------organs. 

A. inner        B. outer        C. sense         D. muscular 

Answer: C. sense 

11. Sudden response of a body to the stimulus is called as 

A. sensation      B. reaction      C. reflex action         D. stimulation 

Answer: C. reflex action 

12. Main function of cerebrum is 

A. thinking       B. hearing       C. memory        D. balancing 

Answer: A. thinking 

13. Posture and balance of the body is controlled by 

A. Pons                           B. Medulla oblongata 

C. Cerebellum              D. Cerebrum 

Answer: C. Cerebellum 

14. Breathing is controlled by which part of the brain? 

A. Cerebrum                    B. Cerebellum 

C. Hypothalamus            D. Medulla oblongata

 Answer: D. Medulla oblongata 

15. Largest part of the brain is ……… 

A. cerebrum       B. cerebellum        C. medulla         D. Pons 

Answer: A. cerebrum 

16. The nervous system uses ……… impulses to transmit messages. 

A. muscular     B. electrical       C. hormonal         D. chemical 

Answer: B. electrical 

17. Blood pressure, salivation and vomiting are controlled by 

A. cerebrum          B. medulla         C. cerebellum           D. Pons 

Answer: B. medulla 

18. Which of the following is a plant hormone? 

A. Insulin        B. Adrenaline       C. Thyroxine        D. Cytokinin 

Answer:D. Cytokinin 

19. Roots of the plant grow towards soil; this response towards earth is called 

A. Auto tropism           B. Chemotropism 

C. Geotropism               D. Hydrotropism 

Answer:C. Geotropism 

20. A response that does not happen in plants due to their growth is 

A. Bending of shoot towards light.      B. Penetration of roots in deep soil. 

C. Folding of leaves when touched.     D. Climbing tendrils of a crisper.

Answer:C. Folding of leaves when touched. 

21. Which plant hormone promotes dormancy in seeds and buds? 

A. Auxin      B. Gibberellin      C. Cytokinin       D. Abscisic acid 

Answer: D. Abscisic acid 

22. Roots of plants are: 

A. positively geotropic            B. negatively geotropic 

C. positively phototropic        D. None of these 

Answer: A. positively geotropic 

23. Response of plant roots towards water is called: 

A. Chemotropism             B. Phototropism 

C. Hydrotropism               D. Geotropism 

Answer: C. Hydrotropism 

24. Movement of sunflower in accordance with the path of Sun is due to 

A. Chemotropism        B. Geotropism 

C. Phototropism          D. Hydrotropism 

Answer: C. Phototropism 

25. Which plant hormone promotes cell division? 

A. Auxin       B. Gibberellin        C. Cytokinin       D. Abscisic acid 

Answer:C. Cytokinin 

26. The main function of abscisic acid in plants is 

A. to promote cell division. B. to inhibit growth. 

C. to promote growth of stem. D. to increase the length of cells. 

Answer:B. to inhibit growth. 

27. Fall of mature leaves and fruits from plants is triggered by which of the following substance? 

A. Auxin      B. Cytokinin      C. Gibberellin       D. Abscisic acid 

Answer: D. Abscisic acid 

28. A part of the body which responds to the instructions sent from nervous system is called 

A. receptor      B. effector       C. nerves        D. muscles 

Answer: B. effector 

29. Identify the correct statement among the following with respect to the plant hormones. 

A. Cytokinin promotes wilting of leaves 

B. Auxin inhibits stem elongation 

C. Abscisic acid inhibits growth of plants 

D. Gibberllin promotes falling of leaves 

Answer: C. Abscisic acid inhibits growth of plants 

30. The growth of pollen tubes towards ovules is the example of: 

A. hydrotropism            B. geotropism 

C. phototropism            D. chemotropism 

Answer:D. Chemotropism 

31. Which of the following acts as both endocrine and exocrine gland? 

A. Pancreas      B. Thyroid      C. Adrenal        D. Liver 

Answer: A. Pancreas 

32. Identify which of the following statements about thyroxin is incorrect? 

A. Thyroid gland requires iodine to synthesize thyroxin. 

B. Thyroxin is also called thyroid hormone. 

C. It regulates protein, carbohydrates and fat metabolism in the body. 

D. Iron is essential for the synthesis of thyroxin. 

Answer: D. Iron is essential for the synthesis of thyroxin. 

33. Which gland secretes the growth hormone? 

A. Pituitary gland     B. Thyroid      C. Hypothalamus       D. Adrenal 

Answer: A. Pituitary gland 

34. The secretion of which hormone leads to physical changes in the body when you are 10-12 Years of age? 

A. Oestrogen from testes and testosterone from ovary. 

B. Estrogen from adrenal gland and testosterone from pituitary gland. 

C. Testosterone from testes and estrogen from ovary. 

D. Testosterone from thyroid gland and estrogen from pituitary gland. 

Answer:C. Testosterone from testes and estrogen from ovary. 

35. A diabetic patient suffers from deficiency of which hormone? 

A. Thyroxine      B. Testosterone     C. Oestrogen      D. Insulin 

Answer: D. Insulin 

36. Which of the following endocrine glands does not exist in pairs? 

A. Testes        B. Adrenal       C. Pituitary          D. Ovary 

Answer: C. Pituitary 

37. Deficiency of ……… hormone in childhood leads to dwarfism in humans. 

A. adrenaline        B. thyroxine        C. growth         D. testosterone 

Answer: C. growth 

38. In reflex action, the reflex arc is formed by 

A. Effector – spinal cord – receptor 

B. Brain – spinal cord - muscles 

C. Receptor – spinal cord – Effector 

D. Muscles – receptor – brain 

Answer: C. Receptor – spinal cord – Effector 

39. The incorrect statement related to thyroxine hormone is 

A. it regulates metabolism 

B. its deficiency leads to goiter 

C. it is secreted by parathyroid gland 

D. iodine is essential for its production 

Answer:C. it is secreted by parathyroid gland 

40. If the roots of a plant are growing towards nitrate concentrated region of the soil, it is 

A. phototropism         B. thigmotropism 

C. hydrotropism         D. chemotropism 

Answer: D. Chemotropism 



1. The flower of the Hibiscus plant is. 

a) Bisexual        b) unisexual          c) neuter         d) very small 

Ans: a) Bisexual 

2. The part of the flower which is present in the centre of the flower is. 

a) Sepals        b) Pistil           c) Anther          d) Stamens 

Ans: b) Pistil 

3. The period of pregnancy is called 

a) Gestation period               b) incubation period

c) ovulation                             d) menstruation period 

Ans: a) Gestation period 

4. The period during adolescence when the reproductive tissues begin to mature is called.

a) Ovulation      b) puberty       c) germination     d) propagation 

Ans: b) puberty 

5. Along the path of the vas-deferens the secretions of which gland provide nutrition to the sperms? 

a)Prostate gland          b) Seminal vesicles 

c) Scrotum                     d) Urinary bladder 

Ans: a) Prostate gland 

6. Which among the following diseases is not sexually transmitted? 

a) Syphilis        b) Hepatitis       c) HIV-AIDS         d) Gonorrhoea 

Ans: b) Hepatitis 

7. Which of the following method of contraception protects from acquiring sexually transmitted diseases? 

a) Surgery       b) Copper-T        c) Condoms        d) Oral-pills 

Ans: c) Condoms 

8. In human males, the testes lie in the scrotum, because it helps in the, 

a) Process of mating              b) easy transfer of gametes 

c) secretion of estrogen        d) formation of sperms 

Ans: d) formation of sperms 

9. Which of the following sterilization methods is permanent? 

a) Vasectomy              b) Tubal Sterilization 

c) IUCD                         d) (a) and (b) 

Ans: d) (a) and (b) 

10. IUCD is for 

a)Contraception. b) Vegetative propagation. 

c) Increasing fertility. d) Avoiding miscarriage. 

Ans: a)Contraception. 

11. The correct sequence of reproductive stages seen in flowering plants is _______ 

a) Gamete, zygote, embryo, seedling 

b) zygote, gamete, embryo, seedling 

c) Seedling, embryo, zygote, gametes 

d) gamete, embryo, zygote , seedling 

Ans: a) Gamete, zygote, embryo, seedling 

12. Name the male and female reproductive part of the plants. 

a) Male reproductive part: Petal and female reproductive part :Sepal. 

b) Male reproductive part: Pistil and female reproductive part : Stamens.

c) Male reproductive part: Stamens and female reproductive part :Pistil 

d) Male reproductive part: Sepal and female reproductive part :Petal. 

Ans: c) Male reproductive part : Stamens and female reproductive part :Pistil 

13. Why prostate gland secrete fluid. 

a) Secretion of Prostate gland makes the transportation of sperm difficult.. 

b) Secretion of Prostate gland makes the transportation of eggs easier. 

c) Secretion of Prostate gland makes the transportation of sperm easier. 

d) Stimulates the formation of sperm. 

Ans: c) Secretion of Prostate gland makes the transportation of sperm easier. 

14. Which of the following is not an important role of placenta during gestation period of woman? 

 a) They regulate temperature necessary for embryo. 

b) It contains villi on the developing side of the tissue 

c) Villi provide glucose and oxygen to pass from mother to embryo. 

d) Removes the wastes generated from the embryo. 

Ans: a) they regulate temperature necessary for embryo. 

15. The embryo gets nutrition from the mother's blood with the help of a special tissue called.________ 

a) Uterus        b) placenta       c) zygote      d) womb 

Ans: b) placenta 

16. Among the following select the statements that are true regarding the sexual reproduction in flowering plants? 

(i) Fertilisation is a compulsory event. 

(ii) It always results in the formation of zygote. 

(iii) Traits which are not transfer over generation do not cause evolution. 

(iv) It requires two types of gametes. 

a) (i) and (iv)                    b) (i), (ii) and (iii) 

c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)          d) (i), (ii) and (iv) 

Ans: d) (i), (ii) and (iv) 

17. Which of the following is an example for unisexual flowering plant? 

a) Watermelon.                    b) Papaya 

c) both of the above.           d) None of the above. 

Ans: c) both of the above

18. Which of the following is an future shoot and future root. 

a) Futureshoot: cotyledon and Future root: pollen grains.

b) Futureshoot: overy and Future root: Radicle. 

c) Futureshoot: embryo and Future root: steman. 

d) Future shoot: Plumule and Future root: Radicle. 

Ans: d) Future shoot: Plumule and Future root: Radicle. 

19. During adolescence, several changes occur in the human body. Mark one change associated with sexual maturation in boys.

a) Loss of milk teeth.        b) Increase in height. 

c) Cracking of voice.         d) Weight gain. 

Ans: c) Cracking of voice 

20. Variations occur as a result of. 

a) Sexual reproduction           b) Asexual reproduction 

c) vegetative propagation      d) regeneration 

Ans: a) sexual reproduction 

21. Fertilisation occurs in human female when the sperms and ovum reach simultaneously at, 

a) fallopian tube        b) uterus        c) vagina       d) cervix 

Ans: a) fallopian tube 

22. Reproduction is essential for living organisms in order to 

a) Keep the individual organism alive 

b) continue the species generation after generation 

c) Fulfil their energy requirement 

d) Maintain growth 

Ans: b) continue the species generation after generation 

23. In case the ova does not fertilise, which of the following events will take place? 

a) Menstruation      b) Implantation 

c) Pregnancy            d) Ovulation 

Ans: a) Menstruation 

24. Pre-natal sex determination has been prohibited by law due to. 

a) High cost charged by doctors. 

b) Possible dangerous for mother's health 

c) Increasing cases of male foeticide. 

d) increasing cases of female foeticide. 

Ans: c) Increasing cases of male foeticide. 

25. Human male germ-cells called _________and human female germ cells called _________. 

a) Testes, Ovary              b) Sperm, Egg 

c) stigma, stamen          d) None of these 

Ans: b) Sperm, Egg 

26. Seed germination refers to?

a) Development of embryo into seedling 

b) Transfer of pollen grain from stamen to stigma 

c) Development of zygote into embryo 

d) None of these 

Ans: a) Development of embryo into seedling 

27. Which of the following is true with respect to menstruation cycle? 

a) If fertilisation doesn't occur, thick & spongy lining of uterus break &come out as mucous and blood 

b) It lasts for about two to eight days. 

c) It happens roughly every month in females 

d) All of these 

Ans: d) All of these 

28. How oral pills prevent pregnancy? 

a) Changes the hormonal balance of the body and prevent release of egg. 

b) Deactivate sperms 

c) Create barrier in fallopian tube 

d) none of these 

Ans: a) Changes the hormonal balance of the body and prevent release of egg. 

29. Which among the following are not the functions of testes at puberty? 

(i) Formation of male germ cells. 

(ii)Secretion of testosterone. 

(iii) Development of placenta 

(iv) Secretion of estrogen. 

a) (i) and (iii)            b) (i) and (ii) 

c) (ii) and (iv)           d) (iii) and (iv) 

Ans: b) (i) and (ii) 

30. ………….. Is a duct coming from the urinary bladder which carries sperms? 

a) Fallopian tube          b) Uterus. 

c) Prostate gland.         d) Vas deferens. 

Ans: d) Vas deferens. 

31. During pregnancy menstruation is: 

a) Present      b) absent     c) intermittent       d) present with pain 

Ans: b) absent 

32. After fertilization which structure forms fruit? 

a) Calyx      b) corolla       c) stamen     d) ovary 

Ans: d) ovary 

33. Gland which is found only in males is: 

a) Gastric gland           b) perineal gland 

c) prostate gland        d) pancreas 

Ans: c) prostate gland 

34. Testes are present outside the body in man because: 

a) There is less space in the abdominal cavity 

b) temperature is less outside the body 

c) Copulation is easy d) none of the above 

Ans: b) temperature is less outside the body 

35. Transfer of pollen grains from stigma to ovary is called: 

a) Pollination               b) ovulation 

c) fertilization             d) none of these 

Ans: a) Pollination 

36. The anther contains: 

a) Sepals      b) ovules      c) carpel      d) pollen grains 

Ans: d) pollen grains 

37. Symptoms of puberty in males are 

a). Deepening of voice 

b). Facial growth on face and genitals 

c). Occasional erection of the penis 

d). a,b and c all 

Ans:d). a,b and c all 

38. Symptoms of puberty in females are 

a). Enlargement of breast            b). Initiation of the menstruation cycle 

c). Both                                              d). None 

Ans: c). Both 

39. Pistil is 

a) Present in the centre of a flower 

b) the female reproductive part 

c) Made of three parts 

d) all of the above 

Ans: d) all of the above 

40. The swollen bottom part of flower is 

a) Ovary      b) style        c) stigma        d) none of the above 

Ans: c) stigma



1. The plants selected by Mendel for his experiment are 

A) Green gram              B) Evening prim rose 

C) Beans                         D) Green Peas 

ANS:D) Green Peas 

2. If the fossil of an organism is found in the deeper layers of earth, then we can predict that …. 

A) The extinction of organism has occured recently 

B) The extinction of organism has occured thousands of years ago 

C) The fossil position in the layers of earth is not related to its time of extinction 

D) Time of extinction cannot be determined 

ANS: B) The extinction of organism has occured thousands of years ago 

3. In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with __________ 

A) A Chinese boy        B) A chimpanzee 

C) A spider                   D) A bacteria 

ANS: B) A chimpanzee 

4. A pure dominant pea plant producing round — yellow seeds is crossed with pure recessive pea plant producing wrinkled — green seeds. The number of plants bearing round — green seeds in the F2 generation of Mendel’s experiment is 

(A) 0         (B) 1       (C) 3     (D) 9 

ANS:(C) 3 

5. What is the probability that the male progeny will be a boy? 

A) 50%        B) 56%           C) 45%         D) it varies 

ANS: A) 50% 

6. The number of pair (s) of sex chromosomes in the zygote of humans is 

A) 22               B) 23          C) 1        D) 2 

ANS: B) 23 

7. The genotypic ratio in F2generation in monohybrid cross experiment is 

A) 1 : 2 : 1        B) 3 : 1      C) 2 : 1 : 1        D) 1 : 3 

ANS: A) 1 : 2 : 1 

8. Homologous organs have ______

A) Same structure same function 

B) different Origin different function 

C) Same Origin different function 

D) different structure same function 

ANS: C) same Origin different function 

9. Theory of evolution is given by _____. 

A) JBS Haldane                  B) Lamark 

C) Charles Darwin            D) Gregor Mendel 

ANS: C) Charles Darwin 

10. The exchange in genetic material takes place in _____ 

A) Vegetative propagation    B) Asexual reproduction 

C) sexual reproduction          D) budding 

ANS: C) sexual reproduction 

11. If a normal cell of human body contains 46 pairs of chromosomes then the numbers of chromosomes in a sex cell of a human being is most likely to be 

 A) 60          B) 23       C) 22        D) 40 

ANS: B) 23 

12. Which of the following determines the sex of a child? 

A) The length of the mother’s pregnancy 

B) The length of time between ovulation and copulation 

C) The presence of an X chromosome in an ovum 

D) The presence of a Y chromosome in a sperm 

ANS: D) The presence of a Y chromosome in a sperm 

13. the earliest member of human species, Homo sapiens can be traced from 

 A) West asia       B) Australia      C) East asia       D) Africa 

ANS:D) Africa 

14. The basket of vegetables contains carrots, potato, radish and tomato. Which of them represents the correct homologous structures? 

A) Carrot and Potato       B) Carrot and Tomato 

C) Radish and carrot       D) Radish and potato 

ANS: C) Radish and carrot 

15. Carbon dating is useful to find the 

A) Structure of fossils     B) Age of fossils 

C) Origin of fossils           D) Carbon content in the fossils

ANS: B) Age of fossils

16. A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding tall pea plants bearing violet flowers with short pea plants bearing white flowers. The progeny all bore violet flowers, but almost half of them were short. This suggests that the genetic make-up of the tall parent can be depicted as 

 (a) TTWW      (b) TTww      (c) TtWW        (d) TtWw 

ANS: (c) TtWW 

17. An example of homologous organs is 

(a) our arm and a dog's fore-leg 

(b) our teeth and an elephant's tusks. 

(c) potato and runners of grass. 

(d) all of the above. 

ANS: (a) our arm and a dog's fore-leg 

18.If a trait A exists in 10% of population of an asexually reproducing species and a trait B exists in 60% of the same population. Which trait is likely to have arisen earlier? 

 a) Trait A       b) Trait      c)Both A & B       d)none 

ANS: b) Trait 

19. Identify the correct pair of analogous organs among the following 

(A) The forelimb of man and the forelimb of a frog 

(B) The wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat 

(C) The wing of a bird and the wing of a bat 

(D) The forelimb of lizard and the forelimb of a frog 

ANS: (B) The wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat 

20. In evolutionary terms, we have more in common with 

a) a Chinese school boy      b) a chimpanzee 

c) a spider                               d)a bacterium 

ANS: b) a chimpanzee 

21. An example of analyses organs is 

a) A wing of a bat & wing of a bird 

b) Potato and turners of grass 

c)our teeth & elephant’s tusk 

d) None of the above 

ANS: a) A wing of a bat & wing of a bird 

22. The process where characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring’s is called 

a)Variation    b)Heredity       c)Gene      d)None of the above 

ANS: b) Heredity 

23. The phenomenon where individuals of a spaces exhibit differences in characteristics is called

a)adaptation     b)Evolution       c)Variation     d) All of the above 

ANS: c) Variation 

24. Which of the following statement is incorrect? 

a) Gene is a sequence of nucleotides 

b) During the process of gene expression DNA is first copied to RNA 

c) Gene cannot acquire mutations in their sequence 

d) None of the above 

ANS: c) Gene cannot acquire mutations in their sequence 

25 .______ is the desirable set of characteristics of an organism 

 a)phenotype     b)genes      c) DNA      d)All of the above 

ANS: a) phenotype 

26. When a new plants is formed as a result of cross pollination from different varieties of a plant the newly formed plant is called 

 a) Dominant plant       b) Mutant plant 

c) Hybrid plant              d) all of the above

 ANS: c) Hybrid plant 

27. Who proposed the theory of evolution? 

a) Charles Darwin       b)Stanely miller 

c) Aristotle                    d)Hard Urey. 

ANS: a) Charles Darwin 

28. Homologous organs are organs that have 

a) Different function with different structure 

b) Same function with same structure 

c)same function with different structure 

d)Different function but same structure 

ANS: d) Different function but same structure 

29. Which part of the DNA provides information for a protein? 

a)Chromosome       b)Mitochondria      c)RNA      d) Gene 

ANS: d) Gene 

30. Which of the following is not controlled by gene? 

a) Eye colour           b) Height 

c) Hair colour         d) None of the above 

ANS: d) None of the above 

31. Which of the following can be inherited from parents to off springs?

a)Swimming technique       b)Sculpted body 

c) Big nose                              d) None of the above 

ans: c) Big nose 

32. Which of the following scientist gave the principles of inheritance? 

(a) Mendel                           (b) Griffin 

(c) Johansson                      (d) Watson and Crick 

Ans: (a) Mendel 

33. Which one of the following pairs are homologous organs? 

(a) Forelimbs of a bird and wings of a bat. 

(b) Wings of a bird and wings of a butterfly. 

(c) Pectoral fins of a fish and forelimbs of a horse. 

(d) Wings of a bat and wings of a cockroach. 

Ans: (a) Forelimbs of a bird and wings of a bat. 

34. Select the group which shares maximum number of common characters- 

(a) two genera of two families 

(b) two species of a genus 

(c) two genera of a family 

(d) two individuals of a species 

Ans: (d) two individuals of a species 

35. A cross between a tall pea-plant (TT) and a short pea-plant (tt) resulted in progenies that were all tall plants because 

(a) Tallness is the recessive trait. 

(b) Shortness is the dominant trait. 

(c) Height of pea-plant is not governed by gene T or t. 

(d) Tallness is the dominant trait. 

Ans: (d) Tallness is the dominant trait. 

36. Process of selecting individuals with desired characters by man is called 

(a) Hybridization               (b) Reproduction 

(c) Artificial selection       (d) Natural selection 

Ans: (c) Artificial selection 

37. What does the progeny of a tall plant with round seeds and a short plant with wrinkled seeds look like? 

(a) All are tall with round seeds. 

(b) All are short with round seeds. 

(c) All are tall with wrinkled seeds. 

(d) All are short with wrinkled seeds. 

Ans: (a) All are tall with round seeds 

38. Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly but birds have feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution this means that 

(a) Reptiles have evolved from birds

(b) There is no evolutionary connection between reptiles and birds s

(c) Feathers are homologous structure in both the organisms 

(d) Birds have evolved from reptiles. 

Ans: (d) Birds have evolved from reptiles. 

39. A zygote which has an X-chromosome inherited from the father will develop into a 

(a) Girl 

(b) boy 

(c) either boy or girl 

(d) X-chromosome does not influence the sex of a child. 

Ans: (a) girl 

40. The process of evolution of a species whereby characteristics which help individual organisms to survive and reproduce are passed on to their offspring and those characteristics which do not help are not passed on is called. 

(a) Artificial selection             b) Speciation 

(c) Hybridization                     (d) Natural selection 

Ans: (d) Natural selection 

41. Which of the following decides the sex of the child? 

(a) male gamete, i.e.,sperm 

(b) female gamete, i.e.,ovum 

(c) both sperm and ovum 

(d) mother 

Ans: (a) male gamete, i.e.,sperm 

42. Which of the following is the ancestor of ‘Broccoli’?

 (a) Cabbage                          (b) Cauliflower 

(c) Wild cabbage                 (d) Kale 

Ans: (c) Wild cabbage 

43. According to the evolutionary theory formation of a new species occurs generally due to- 

(a) Sudden creation by nature. 

(b) accumulation of variations over several generations 

(c) clones formed during asexual reproduction 

(d) Movement of individuals from one habitat to another. 

Ans: (b) accumulation of variations over several generations 

44. Which of the following is not correct-? 

(a) For every hormone there is a gene. 

(b) For every protein there is a gene. 

(c) For production of every enzyme there is a gene. 

(d) For every molecule of fat there is a gene. 

Ans: (d) For every molecule of fat there is a gene. 

45. If a round, green seeded pea-plant (RRyy) is crossed with a wrinkled yellow seeded pea- plant (rrYY), the seeds produced in F1 generation are 

(a) Round and green            (b) round and yellow 

(c) wrinkled and green      (d) wrinkled and yellow 

Ans: (b) round and yellow 

46. The concept of origin of species by natural selection was given by. 

(a) lamarck      (b) Weismann       (c) Darwin      ( d) Linnaeus 

Ans: (c) Darwin 

47. The genetic constitution of an organism is called. 

(a) Genotype      (b) phenotype      (c) variation        (d) gene. 

Ans: (a) Genotype 

48. A man with blood group A marries a woman having blood group O. What will be the blood group of the child? 

(a)’ O’ only 

(b) ‘A ‘only 

(c) ‘AB’ 

( d) Equal chance of acquiring blood group A or blood group O 

Ans: ( d) Equal chance of acquiring blood group A or blood group O 

49. Identify the two organisms which are now extinct and are studied from their fossils. 

(a) White tiger and sparrow 

(b) Dinosaur and fish (Knightia) 

(c) Ammonite and white tiger 

(d) Trilobite and white tiger) 

Ans: (b) dinosaur and fish (Knightia) 

50. Those organs which have the same basic structure but different functions are called 

(a) Vestigial organs                   (b) Analogous organs 

(c) Homologous organs           (d) None of these 

Ans: (c) Homologous organs 

51. Which of the following characters can be acquired but not inherited? 

 (a) Colour of skin           (b) Size of body 

(c) Colour of eyes           (d) Texture of hair 

Ans: (b) Size of body 

52. Differences between organisms in a species are described as variation. Which of the following would you describe as continuous variation? 

(a) Hair colour         (b) Eye colour       (c) Weight        (d) Sex 

Ans: (c) Weight 

53. Mendel proposed that every character is controlled by- 

(a) One factor                       (b) two factors 

(c) one chromosome          (d) two chromosomes.

Ans: (b) two factors 

54.Two pink colored flowers on crossing results in 1 red, 2 pink and 1 white flower progeny. The nature of the cross is- 

a) Cross-fertilization        (b) self pollination 

(c) double fertilization     (d) no fertilization 

Ans: (a) cross-fertilization 

55. The remaps (impressions) of dead animals or plant? That lived in the remote past are known as 

(a) Extinct species                               (b) fossils 

(c) naturally selected species          (d) none of the above 

Ans: (b) fossils 

56. A cross between two individuals results in a ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 :1 for four possible phenotypes of progeny. This is an example of a 

(a) Monohybrid cross      (b) Dihybrid cross 

(c) Test cross                      (d) F1 generation 

Ans: (b) Dihybrid cross 



1. Disposable plastics plates should not be used because --------------. 

A. they are made up of light weight material 

B. They are made of toxic materials 

C. they are made up of biodegradable materials 

D. they are made up of non biodegradable materials 

Ans :D 

2. Which of the following groups contain only biodegradable items? 

A. grass, flowers, leather 

B. grass, wood, plastics 

C. fruit peels, cake and lime juice 

D. cake, wood, grass 

Ans :A,C and D 

3. Which is incorrect: 

A. all green plants and blue green algae are producers

B. green plants get their food from organic compounds 

C. producers prepare food from inorganic substances 

D. plants convert solar energy to chemical energy 


4. The % of solar radiation absorbed by all green plants for photosynthesis is about -----------. 

A. 1%         B. 5%        C. 8%       D. 10% 

Ans :A 

5. The excessive exposure of humans to UV rays results in : 

A. damage immune system       B. skin cancer 

C. peptic ulcers                             D. damage to lungs 

Ans :B 

6. The decomposers in ecosystem: 

A. convert inorganic materials to simpler forms 

B. convert organic material to inorganic forms 

C. do not breakdown organic compounds 

D. None 

Ans :B 

7. Which of the following are environment friendly practices? 

A. carrying cloth bags to put purchases in while shopping 

B. switching off unnecessary lights and fans 

C. walking to school instead of getting your mother to drop you on her scooter 

D. All 

Ans :D 

8. Accumulation of non-biodegradable pesticides in the food chain, in increasing amount at each higher trophic level is known as ______ 

A. Eutrophication            B. pollution 

C. biomagnifications       D. Accumulation 


9. Which of the following is biodegradable waste? 

A. DDT                         B. Aluminium can 

C. Plastic bag              D. Cow dung 


10. Which of the following is the best way for disposal of vegetable and fruit peels? 

A. Landfill         B. Recycling         C. Composting      D. Burning 

Answer: C

11. The problem caused due to ozone hole is 

A. earthquakes                   B. damage due to UV radiations 

C. chemical pollution        D. acid rain 


12. Organisms which synthesise carbohydrates from inorganic compounds using radiant energy are called 

A. decomposers     B. producers      C. herbivores      D. carnivores 


13.Excessive exposure of humans to UV-rays results in 

(i) damage to immune system     (ii) damage to lungs 

(iii) skin cancer                                (iv) peptic ulcers 

 A. (i) and  (ii)        B.(ii) and (iv) 

C. (i) and (iii)         D. (iii) and (iv) 


14. When is the world environment day celebrated? 

A.16 June        B. 5 December        C. 5 June          D. 5 July 


15. Which of these is a greenhouse gas? 

A. Hydrogen sulphide      B. Methane 

C. Ozone                               D. Carbon monoxide 


16. Which of these organisms are the most important decomposers in an ecosystem? 

A. Algae and fungi              B. Fungi and bacteria 

C. Algae and bacteria        D. Bacteria and virus 


17. Which of the following is a biodegradable substance? 

A. Glass         B. Plants        C. Plastics       D. Polythene 

Ans: B. 

18. _______ is not a biodegradable pollutant. 

A. Paper            B. Cotton cloth        C. Cotton       D. DDT 

Ans: D. DDT 

19. The formula of Ozone is _______ 

A. O3              B. O2           C. O4            D. O6 

Ans: A. O3 

20. The number of atoms of oxygen present in ozone is 

A. 3           B. 2            C. 5            D. 6 

21. Which of the following is non- biodegradable? 

A. Wool     B. Nylon       C. Animal bones     D. Tea leaves 

Answer: B 

22. Which one of the following will undergo fastest bio-degradation? 

A. Mango seed     B. Wood     C. Mango peel     D. Mango pulp


23. Acid rain is caused by the oxides of 

A. Carbon                  B. nitrogen only 

C. sulphur only        D. sulphur and nitrogen 


24. Which of the following chemicals causes depletion of the ozone layer? 

(a) Carbon tetrachloride        (b) Methane 

(c) Chloro fluoro carbon         (d) Carbon monoxide 


25.The materials that change slowly their form and nature are 

A.Used tea leaves          B. Peels of vegetables 

C. Waste papers             D. Plants fibre 

Ans: D. plant fibre 

26. The correct statement with respect to biodegradable substances among the following is ; these substances 

A. remain inert in the environment for a long time 

B. harm various organisms in the ecosystem 

C. increase the density of harmful chemicals in different tropic levels 

D. undergo recycling naturally in the environment 


27.Ozone layer is essential because it absorbs most of the 

A.infrared radiations          B.heat 

C.Solar radiations                D.ultraviolet radiations 


28.Which of the following is non biodegradable waste? 

A.Cow dung           B.Manure       C.Plastic waste 


29. We should reduce the use of the plastic bags, bottles etc. because: 

(a) They are not durable 

(b) They are non-biodegradable 

(c) They are made of toxic materials 

(d) They react with the atmospheric gases 

Answer: (b) They are non-biodegradable 

30. Among the following choose the correct option which contains only biodegradable items? 

i. Wood, paper, PVC

ii. Paper, seeds, detergent, 

iii. Paper, animal excreta, wood 

iv. Wool, leaves, paper 

(a) (i), (ii) and (iii)            (b) (i) and (iii) 

(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)          (d) (iii) and (iv) 

Answer: (d) (iii) and (iv) 

31. Which of the following may be a conclusion of the excessive exposure of humans to sun’s ultraviolet rays? 

i. Peptic ulcers                ii. Eye disease like cataract 

iii. Damage to lungs       iv. Skin cancer 

(a) (i) and (iv)           (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv) 

(c) (ii) and (iv)          (d) Only (iv) 

Answer: (c) (ii) and (iv) 

32. Which among the following is a correct full form for DDT? 

(a) Dichloro diphenyl tri chloro ethane 

(b) Dichloro diphenyl tetra chloro ethane 

(c) Dichloro deca phenyl tri chloro ethane 

(d) Dichloro diethyl tri chloro ethane 

Answer: (a) Dichloro di phenyl tri chloro ethane 

33. Which of the following radiations is responsible for the conversion of atmospheric oxygen to ozone? 

(a) Gamma radiations            (b) Cosmic radiations 

(c) Infrared radiations           (d) Ultraviolet radiations 

Answer: (d) Ultraviolet radiations 

34. Which of the following substances will not be converted to compost when added in a composting pit? 

(a) Waste paper                                (b) Fruit and vegetable peels 

(c) Human and animal excreta     (d) Plastic bags 

Answer: (d) Plastic bags 

35. Global warming is a phenomenon related to: 

(a) Evaporation                 (b) Ecological balance

(c) Greenhouse effect      (d) Desertification 

Answer: c 

36. The constituents which do not form eco-system are 

A. Biotic constituents         B. Plastic bags 

C. Abiotic constituents       D. All of these 

Ans :B 

37.The functional unit of environment is 

A. Ecosystem        B. Nitrogen     C. Carbon       D. Oxygen 


38.Which of the following is an not example of abiotic factors? 

A. Light         B. Plants         C. Heat        D. Temperature 


39.An ecosystem includes 

(a) all living organisms 

(b) non-living objects 

(c) both living organisms and non-living objects 

(d) sometimes living organisms and sometimes non-living objects 

Answer: (c) 

40.In an ecosystem, the 10% of energy available for transfer from one trophic level to the next is in the form of 

(a) heat energy                  (b) light energy 

(c) chemical energy          (d) mechanical energy 

Answer: (c) 



1. Which of the following is/ are not the consequence/consequences of building high-rise dams? 

i. Loss of biodiversity 

ii. Depletion of the natural habitats of wild animals 

iii. Soil erosion leading to the infertility of land 

iv. Fall in the groundwater level Choose the correct option from the following: 

(a) (i) and (iv)             (b) (ii) and (iii) 

(c) (iii) and (iv)           (d) (ii) and (iv) 

Answers: (c) (iii) and (iv) 

2. Which of the following activities will prove to be effective in preventing floods? 

i. Removing the topsoil

ii. Afforestation 

iii. Construction of dams 

iv. Cutting of trees Choose the correct option from the following: 

(a) (i) and (iv)          (b) (ii) and (iii) 

(c) (iii) and (iv)        (d) (ii) and (iv) 

Answer: (b) (ii) and (iii) 

3. Which among the following was a message conveyed by the ‘Chipko Movement’? 

(a) To promote more and more developmental projects 

(b) To involve the community in forest conservation efforts 

(c) To ignore the forest conservation efforts in sake of development 

(d) None of these 

Answer: (b) 

4. The quality of environment can be improved by- 

(a) Deforestation      (b) Overuse of natural environment 

(c) Erosion                  (d) Conservation 

Answer: (d) 

5. Which among the following is an eco-friendly activity? 

(a) Making use of automobiles 

(b) Making use of poly bags for shopping 

(c) Making use of dyes for colouring the clothes 

(d) Making windmill to generate power for irrigation 

Answer: (d) 

6. Which of the following does not lead to the depletion of groundwater? 

(a) Establishing thermal power plants 

(b) Cultivation of high yielding varieties of crops 

(c) Process of deforestation 

(d) Process of afforestation 

Answer: (d) 

7. Government launched the ‘Ganga Action Plan’ (GAP) project in 1985. The main purpose of this project was to: 

(a) Build new dams over the Ganga river 

(b) Make its water pollution free 

(c) Utilise the river water for irrigation purposes 

(d) Promote the growth of water animals like fish, in the river 

Answer: (b) 

8. Which among the following factors help in confirming the contamination of river water? 

i. Measurement of pH of river water 

ii. Presence of chlorine in river water 

iii. Existence of diverse life forms in river water 

iv. Presence of coliform bacteria in river water Choose the correct option from the following: 

(a) (i) and (iv)              (b) (ii) and (iii) 

(c) (iii) and (iv)            (d) (ii) and (iv)

Answer: (a) (i) and (iv) 

9. Among the following choose the correct option which includes acts related to the three R's strategy which can be useful for conserving our natural resources? 

(a) Recycle, regenerate, reuse 

(b) Reduce, regenerate, reuse 

(c) Reduce, reuse, redistribute 

(d) Reduce, recycle, reuse 

Answer: (d) 

10. Who started chipko andalon? 

(a) A. K. Banerjee                       (b) Amrita devi bisnoy 

(c) Sundar lal Bahuguna          (d) Medha patkar 

Answer: (c) 

11. Sardar Sarovar Dam is situated on river: 

(a) Ganga         (b) Narmada         (c) Yamuna         (d) Godavari 

Answer: (b) 

12. Which among the following is a major programme that was started to replenish the damaged forests? 

(a) Agriculture        (b) Tissue culture 

(c) Silviculture        (d) Horticulture 

Answer: (c) 

13. In our country, there are attempts to increase the height of several existing dams like Tehri and Almati dams across the Narmada. Choose the correct statements among the following that are a consequence of raising the height of dams 

i. Terrestrial flora and fauna of the area is destroyed completely 

ii. Dislocation of people and domestic animals living in the area 

iii. Valuable agricultural land may be permanently lost 

iv. It will generate permanent employment for people Choose the correct option from the following: 

(a) (i) and (ii)         (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) 

(c) (ii) and (iv)       (d) (i) (iii) and (iv) 

Answer: (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) 

14. Given below are a few statements related to biodiversity. Pick those that correctly describe the concept of biodiversity 

i. Biodiversity refers to the different species of flora and fauna present in an area 

ii. Biodiversity refers to only the flora of a given area 

iii. Biodiversity is greater in a forest 

iv. Biodiversity refers to the total number of individuals of a particular species living in an area Choose the correct option from the following: 

(a) (i) and (ii)          (b) (ii) and (iv) 

(c) (i) and (iii)        (d) (ii) and (iii) 

Answer: (c) (i) and (iii) 

15. Which among the statements given below is incorrect? 

(a) Sustainable development does not take into consideration the viewpoints of all stakeholders 

(b) Sustainable development is a long planned and persistent development 

(c) Economic development is linked to environmental development 

(d) Sustainable development meets the current basic human needs along with preserving resources for future generations

Answer: (a) 

16. Ancient water harvesting system of Karnataka is ---------- 

a) Khadin            b) nadis         c) kulhs          d) kattas 

Ans d) kattas 

17. Large scale deforestation decrease 

a) soil erosion           b) rainfall     

c) Drought                 d) Global warming. 

Ans b) Rainfall. 

18. Now a days government has banned the use of polythene bags and is initiating to use paper bags because, 

a) It is costly                                      b) It is biodegradable 

c) It is non biodegradable             d) It is lighter. 

Ans b) it is biodegradable. 

19. Bandharas and tals are the ancient water harvesting methods in 

a) Madhya Pradesh         b) Maharashtra 

c) Karnataka                     d) Kerala. 

Ans b) Maharashtra. 

20. The chipkomovement started from 

a) Reni in Garhwal         b) Arabari forest 

c) khejrali village            d) village of Mandal. 

Ans a) Reni in Garhwal. 

21. By constructing khadin check dams in level terrains, 

a) underground water level decreases 

b) underground water level increases 

c) vegetation in the nearby areas are destroyed due to excess moisture. 

d) underground water gets polluted. 

Ans: b) underground water level increases. 

22. The scientific method to conserve soil and water is----- 

a) Construction of dams 

b) Watershed management 

c) Rainwater harvesting 

d) Afforestation 

Ans b) Watershed management. 

23. Sustainable management should be become mandatory as 

a) Natural resources are limited 

b) Natural resources lasts for a longer period 

c) Future generation may not enjoy the benefits of natural resources 

d) all the above. 

Ans d) All the above. 

24. Earthen pot with cracks can be used to grow plants. This is based on this 5R principle 

a) Refuse         b) Re use         c) Re purpose             d) Re cycling 

Ans d) Re purpose 

25. Bishnois community sacrificed their life for the protection of------- 

a) Teak trees      b) Sal forest     c) khejri trees     d) Sandalwood trees. 

Ans c) Khejri trees.

26. A woman who fought for the protection of khejri trees. 

a) Medhapatkar                                 b) Amrita Devi Bishnoi. 

C)SaalumaradaThimmakka.          d) DurgaBanerjee . 

Ans b) Amrita Devi Bishnoi 

27.Which of the following is best method from environment point of view? 

a. Reduce       b. Recycle      c. Reuse       d. All of above 


30. Water harvesting is a method which 

a. Increase ground water level 

b. Not practiced in modern days 

c. Has no relation with ground water 

d. Decrease ground water level 


31. The eco-friendly practice among the following 

a) using plastic plates in weddings 

b) bringing things in plastics covers 

c) separating daily wastes into recyclable and decomposing materials 

d) throwing plastic wastes in our surrounding 


32.Stake holders of forest are 

a) Nature enthusiasts 

b) Local people 

c) Industrial and forest department of government 

d) all of these 

Answer: d 

33. The pH range most conducive for life of fresh water plants and animals is 

a)6.5 to 7.5         b)2,5 to 3.5 

c)5.5 to 6.5         d)1.5 to 2.5 

ans: a)6.5 to 7.5 

34. The concept of sustainable development encourages 

a)growth that meet current basic needs 

b)growth to meet the needs of present and future generations 

c)massive economic development using natural resources 

d)massive expansion of agriculture ,infrastructure and industries 

ans: b)growth to meet the needs of present and future generations 

35. The problem of construction of dams is 

a)displace large number of peasants and tribals without proper rehabilitation 

b)swallow up huge amount of public money 

c.leads to deforestation and loss of biodiversity 

d.All of the above 


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