Friday 4 June 2021

SSLC - Chemistry Important Multiple Choice Questions Bank


10th Chemistry

Important Multiple Choice Questions and  answers

1. Acids, Bases and Salts

1. The gas liberated when an acid reacts with a metal is: (KSEEB MQP-1 2021-21)

A. Hydrogen          B. Chlorine         C. Carbon dioxide          D. Nitrogen dioxide

Ans: A. Hydrogen


As acid reacts with metal, hydrogen gas is released. A formation of gas bubbles has been observed along the metal’s surface. The bubbles are then passed into a soap solution, and when a burning candle is held close to the bubble, the gas in the soap bubble burns with a pop sound. As a result, it can be concluded that it is hydrogen since only hydrogen gas produces a popping sound when it burns.


When dilute HCl reacts with Zinc metal, hydrogen gas is liberated.

Zn + HCl → H2 + ZnCl2

2. As the pH value of a neutral solution increases (june-2020)

(A) basic property decreases and number of OH − ions increases

 (B) acidic property increases and number of H + ions decreases

(C) basic property increases and number of OH − ions increases

(D) acidic property decreases and number of H + ions increases.  

Ans: (C) basic property increases and number of OH − ions increases


The lower range of pH scale (1 to 6) represents acidic nature, while upper range of pH scale (8 to 14) represents alkaline nature. Therefore, to increase the pH value of a neutral solution (pH = 7), we should add an alkali.

When the pH value increases, it means that the solution is becoming more basic,  For eg the neutral solution pH 7 increases to become a pH of 10 then here, the basic nature is increasing. The same applies for the case in the question.

We know that as basicity increases, OH⁻ ions increases. 

When the pH value decreases, it means that the solution is becoming acidic. we know that as acidity increases, H+ ions increases.

Hence, basic property increases and number of OH⁻  ions increases as pH value increases. Acidic property increases and number of H+  ions increases as pH value decreases..   

3. The chemical equation that represents neutralization reaction among the following is (March-2019)

 (A) BaCl2 + H 2SO4 → BaSO4 + 2HCl

(B) MnO2 + 4 HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2

 (C) 2 NaOH + H 2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O

(D) AgNO3 + HCl → AgCl + HNO3

Ans: (C) 2 NaOH + H 2SO4 → Na2SO+ 2H2O


The neutralization reaction is the one in which an acid reacts with an equimolar amount of base to give salt and water. In neutralization reactions, the H+ of the acid combines with OH− ions of the base to form water and other reactants form the specific salt. The neutralization reaction has a pH of 7.

example the reaction between solutions of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. The overall equation for this reaction is: NaOH + HCl → H2O and NaCl.

4. Tomato is a natural source of which acid?
(a) Acetic acid
(b) Citric acid
(c) Tartaric acid
(d) Oxalic acid

Ans: (d) Oxalic acid


Apple > Malic acid 

Lemon > Citric acid 

Grape > Tartaric acid 

Tomato > Oxalic acid 

Vinegar > Acetic acid 

Curd > Lactic acid 

Orange > Ascorbic acid 

Tea > Tannic acid 

Stomach juice > Hydrochloric acid 

Ant, Bee > Formic acid 

5. What is formed when zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide?
(a) Zinc hydroxide and sodium
(b) Sodium zincate and hydrogen gas
(c) Sodium zinc-oxide and hydrogen gas
(d) Sodium zincate and water

Ans: (b) Sodium zincate and hydrogen gas


The compound sodium zincate, together with hydrogen gas, is formed when zinc reacts with excess sodium hydroxide.

The equation of the reaction is

Zn + 2NaOH → Na2ZnO2 + H2

6. Alkalis are
(a) acids, which are soluble in water
(b) acids, which are insoluble in water
(c) bases, which are insoluble in water
(d) bases, which are soluble in water

Ans: (d) bases, which are soluble in water


Alkali, any of the soluble hydroxides of the alkali metals—i.e., lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium. Alkalies are strong bases that turn litmus paper​ ...

Alkali, any of the soluble hydroxides of the alkali metals—i.e., lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium. Alkalies are strong bases that turn litmus paper from red to blue; they react with acids to yield neutral salts; 

7. What is the pH range of our body?
(a) 7.0 – 7.8
(b) 7.2 – 8.0
(c) 7.0 – 8.4
(d) 7.2 – 8.4

Ans: (a) 7.0 – 7.83


8. Rain is called acid rain when its:
(a) pH falls below 7
(b) pH falls below 6
(c) pH falls below 5.6
(d) pH is above 7

Ans: (c) pH falls below 5.6


Normal rainfall has a pH of 5.6-6.5 while acid rain has a pH of less than 5.6. Sulphuric acid and nitric acid are the two main acids, which dissolve in the water in the atmosphere and fall to the ground as acid rain. On an average,

9. Sodium hydroxide is a
(a) weak base
(b) weak acid
(c) strong base
(d) strong acid

Ans: (c) strong base


Strong bases are characterized by the fact that they dissociate completely in aqueous solution. In this case, sodium hydroxideNaOH , is classified as a strong base because it dissociates completely in aqueous solution to form sodium cations, Na+ , and hydroxide anions, OH− .

10. When copper oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid react, colour changes to
(a) white
(b) bluish-green
(c) blue-black
(d) black

Ans: (b) bluish-green


When copper oxide reacts with dilute hydrocholric acidcopper chloride is formed and the colour changes from black to bluish-green. CuO is black in colour. It reacts with dilute HCl to form copper chloride (CuCl₂) along with water (H₂O).

11. Sodium hydroxide turns phenolphthalein solution
(a) pink
(b) yellow
(c) colourless
(d) orange

Ans: (a) pink


 When the sodium hydroxide, which is a base, is mixed with phenolphthalein, it turns pink. When the base is neutralized by the acid, citric acid, which is present in lemons, the pink solution turns colorless.

12. A solution turns red litmus to blue; its PH is likely to be,

a) 1                 b) 4                c) 5                  d) 10

ANS: d) 10

6. The solution reacts with crushed egg shells to give a gas that turns lime water milky. The Solution contains,

a) NaCl       b) HCl            c) LiCl           d) KCl

Ans: b) Hcl

13. 10 ml of a solution of Na0H is found to be completely neutralised by 8 ml of HCl. If wetake 20ml of Na0H, the amount of Hcl solution required to neutralise it will be,

a) 10 ml            b) 20 ml         c) 16 ml          d) 30 ml

Ans: C) 16ml

14. Which of the following is used for treating indigestion?

a) Antibiotic           b) Analgesic         

c) Antacid              d) Antiseptic.

Ans: c) Antacid.

15. Sodium hydroxide turns phenolphthalein indicator to which colour?

a) Pink       b) blue           c) Red             d) orange

ans: a) Pink

16. Methyl orange is,

a) Pink (red) in acidic medium, yellow in basic medium.

b) Yellow in acidic medium, pink in basic medium.

c) Colourless in acidic medium, pink in basic medium.

d) Pink in acidic medium, colourless in basic medium.

Ans: a) pink in acidic medium, yellow in basic medium.

17. Which of the following is an olfactory indicator?

a) Red cabbage                 b) Litmus                  

c) Turmeric                       d) Clove

Ans: d) clove

18. Sour milk is a natural source of which acid?

a) Citric acid          b ) Lactic acid         c) acetic acid            d) oxalic acid

Ans: b) Lactic acid

19. Alkalis are,

a) Acids, which are soluble in water.

b) Acids, which are insoluble in water.

c) Bases, which are insoluble in water.

d) Bases, which are soluble in water.

Ans: d) bases which are soluble in water.

20. Name the gas released when sodium hydrogen carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid.

a) Hydrogen               b) Carbon di oxide              c) Water                d) All of these

Ans: b) carbon di oxide.

21. A strong acid is,

a) Completely gets ionised in water.        b) Partially gets ionised in water.

 c) Do not get ionised in water.                  d) All of these

Ans: a) completely gets ionised in water.

22. Which of the following will turn red litmus blue?

 a) Vinegar          b) Lemon juice           c) Soft drinks           d) Baking soda solution.

Ans: d) Baking soda solution.

23. What happens when carbon di oxide gas reacts with sodium hydroxide?

a) Carbon monoxide is formed.                                                        b) sodium carbonate is formed.

c) Carbon di oxide does not react with sodium hydroxide.     d) None of these

Ans: c) sodium carbonate is formed.

24. Which of the following compound is formed when Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid?

a) Zinc chloride     b) Zinc sulphate       c) Zinc carbonate         d) Zinc hydroxide

Ans: a) Zinc chloride

25. " Tap water conducts electricity whereas distilled water does not." The reason for this is,

a) Tap water contains ions which conduct electricity.

b) Tap water contains electrons which conduct electricity.

c) Tap water contains protons which conduct electricity.

d) Tap water contains neutrons which conducts electricity.

Ans: a) Tap water contains ions which conduct electricity.

26. Increase in the OH- ion concentration leads to,

a) An increase in the PH of the solution.

b) A decrease in the PH of the solution.

c) Does not alter the PH of the solution.

d) Decreases the basic strength of the solution.

Ans: a) An increase in the PH of the solution.

27. Rain is called acid rain, when its PH is

a) below 7                b) below              6 c) below 5.6      d) above 7

Ans: c) below 5.6

28. Farmers neutralise the effect of acidity of the soil by adding,

a) Gypsum          b) Slaked lime       c) Caustic soda        d) baking soda.

Ans: b) Slaked lime.

29. Tooth enamel is made up of,

a) Calcium carbonate                    b) Calcium phosphate

c) Calcium oxide                             d) Calcium chloride

Ans: b) Calcium phosphate

30. Nettle sting is a natural source of which acid?

a) Methanoic acid       b) Lactic acid          c) Citric acid          d) Tartaric acid.

Ans: a) Methanoic acid

31. Tomato is a natural source of

a) Acetic acid              b) Citric acid                 c) Lactic acid             d) Oxalic acid

Ans: d) Oxalic acid

32. What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with base in a test tube?

 i) Temperature increases ii) Temperature decreases iii) Remains same iv) Salt formation takes place

a) (i) & (iv)             b) (i) &(iii)            c) (ii) &(iii)             d) (ii) &(iv)

Ans: a) i &iv

33. What is formed when Zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide.

a) Zinc hydroxide and sodium                              b) Sodium Zincate and hydrogen gas

c) Sodium Zinc oxide and hydrogen gas            d) Sodiumzincate and water

 Ans: b) Sodium zincate and hydrogen gas

34. Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of,

a) Strong acid and strong base.              b) Weak acid and weak base.

c) Strong acid and weak base                  d) weak acid and strong base.

Ans: d) Weak acid and strong base.

35. What is the PH range of our body?

a) 7.0-7.8                b) 7.2-8.0                 c) 7.0-8.4                  d) 7.2-8.4

Ans: a) 7.0-7.8

36. Sodium hydroxide turns phenolphthalein solution into

a) Pink                     b) yellow                  c) colourless                         d) orange

Ans: a) pink

37. Acid present in the apple is,

a) Oxalic acid                    b) Malic acid                  c) Acetic acid                      d) Formic acid

Ans: b) malic acid

38. Generally when certain metals react with an acid they release ___________ gas

a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) Hydrogen d) Argon Ans: c) Hydrogen

39. Range of PH scale is

 a) 7 to 10                        b) 0 to 10                           c) 0 to 14                            d) 7 to 14

Ans: c) 0 to 14

40. The PH of commonly used Toothpaste is

a) Acidic                      b) Basic                c) Neutral                     d) None of these

Ans: b) basic

41. Vinegar is used in pickling as it,

a) Is an acid                                             b) Prevents growth of microbes

c) Prevents drying of pickles             d) Increases taste

Ans: b) Prevents growth of microbes

42. The PH of neutral solution is

a) 14                   b) 7                      c) 10                        d)12

Ans: b) 7

43. Sodium chloride is

a) Acidic salt                  b) Basic salt              c) Neutral salt                  d) None of these

Ans: c) Neutral salt

44. An ant's sting can be treated with,

a) Methanoic acid        b) Formic acid       c) Baking soda          d) caustic soda

Ans: c) baking soda

45. A teacher gave two test tubes to the students. One containing water and the other Containing sodium hydroxide. She asked them to identify the test tube containing sodium hydroxide solution. Which one of the following can be used for identification?

a) Blue litmus                                            b) Red litmus

c) sodium carbonate solution              d) dilute HCL solution

Ans: b) Red litmus

46. The acid present in the vinegar is,

a) Citric acid                b) Tartaric acid                    c) Ascorbic acid                    d) Acetic acid

Ans: d) acetic acid

47. Litmus solution is a natural dye. It is obtained from

 a) Lichen                  b) methyl orange                 c) fungus                      d) microorganisms

Ans: a) lichen

48. Which acid is present in orange?

a) Lactic acid b) Citric acid c) Methanoic acid d) oxalic acid

Ans: b) citric acid

49. The correct way of making a solution of acid in water is to,

a) Add water to acid                                            b) Add acid to water

c) Mix acid and water simultaneously          d) Add water to acid in a shallow container

 Ans: b) Add acid to water


2. Metals and Non-Metals

1. The possible chemical reaction among the following is (June-2019)

 (A) FeSO4 + Pb → PbSO4 + Fe

(B) ZnSO4 + Fe → FeSO4 + Zn

(C) 2AgNO3 + Cu → Cu ( NO3 )2 + 2Ag

(D) PbCl2 + Cu → CuCl2 + Pb.

Ans: (B) ZnSO4 + Fe → FeSO4 + Zn


ZnSO4 + Fe can undergo a chemical reaction. As iron metal is more reactive than Zinc metal, iron displaces Zinc from Zinc sulphate solution and forms aqueous iron sulphate (FeSO4) and  Zinc (Zn). This a single displacement reaction also known as a substitution reaction.

2. Observe the following stages of extraction of a metal from its ore. Sulphide ore → …………. → Reduction → Purification The process that has to be done in the empty space is (KSEEB MQP-2 2021-21)

A. Electrolysis           B. Calcination         C. Roasting              D. Oxidation

Ans: C. Roasting


Sulphate ores converted into oxides by heating strongly in the presence of excess of air. This process is known as roasting.

Roasting :- heating in the presence of oxygen

2ZnS(s)+3O_{2}(g)\rightarrow 2ZnO(s)+2SO_{2}

Reduction :- Reduction of metal oxide with carbon (C).

ZnO(s)+C(s)\rightarrow Zn(s)+CO(g)

Refining of impure metal to get pure metal.

3. The correct pair of the metals that react with dil HCl is (KREIS MQP-1 2021-21)

 a) lead, copper                       b) copper, iron 

 c) gold, silver                        d) Zinc, Calcium 

Ans:  d) Zinc, Calcium 


silver, gold and Copper  metal does not react with dilute hydrochloric acid as it comes after hydrogen in the activity series, i.e., they can't replace hydrogen from hydrochloric acid. metals like Aluminium, magnesium, calcium, iron, lead and Zinc are highly reactive and they produce hydrogen gas with hydrochloric acid.

5. Sulphide ore Reduction Purification. The process that has to be done in the empty space is, (KREIS MQP-2 2021-21)

A) Electrolysis         B) Calcination          C) Roasting              D) Oxidation.

Ans: C) Roasting


Sulphate ores converted into oxides by heating strongly in the presence of excess of air. This process is known as roasting.

Roasting :- heating in the presence of oxygen

2ZnS(s)+3O_{2}(g)\rightarrow 2ZnO(s)+2SO_{2}

Reduction :- Reduction of metal oxide with carbon (C).

ZnO(s)+C(s)\rightarrow Zn(s)+CO(g)

Refining of impure metal to get pure metal.

6. The Non metal with electrical conductivity is, (KREIS MQP-2 2021-21)

 A) Iodine          B) Diamond              C) Sulphur            D) Graphite

Ans:  D) Graphite


Graphite is a non-metal and it is the only non-metal that can conduct electricity. You can find non-metals on the right side of the periodic table and graphite is the only non-metal that is a good conductor of electricity.

7. Silver article become block on prolonged exposure to air. This is due to the formation of :  (KREIS MQP-2 2021-21)

a. Ag2CO3                          b. Ag2O                   c. Ag2S                      d. AgNO3

Ans:  c. Ag2S 


Silver articles when exposed to air become black after sometime. This is because the silver metal reacts with sulphur present in the atmosphere and forms silver sulphide (black colour).

8. Most reactive metal among the following is (KSEEB MQP-4 2020-21)

(a) Na                   (b) Mg                  (c) Zn                   (d) Cu

Ans: (a) Na 


Sodium or potassium which are present on top of the reactivity series are highly reactive metals as they can displace metals present below.

9. Which one of the following metals does not react with cold as well as hot water? (KSEEB MQP-5 2020-21)

a) Na                        b) Ca                          c) Mg                                      d) Fe

Ans:  d) Fe


Metals like aluminium, iron and zinc do not react either with cold or hot water. But they react with steam to form the metal oxide and hydrogen. Metals such as lead, copper, silver and gold do not react with water at all.

10. Aluminium is used for making cooking uten¬sils. Which of the following properties of aluminium are responsible for the same?
(i) Good thermal conductivity
(ii) Good electrical conductivity
(iii) Ductility
(iv) High melting point
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)

Ans: (d) (i) and (iv)


Good thermal conductivity, malleability, light weight and high melting point are the properties of aluminium due to which it is used for making cooking utensils.

11. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is
(a) Iron
(b) Aluminium
(c) Calcium
(d) Sodium

Ans: (b) Aluminium


The most abundant metals are 8.1% of aluminium, 5.0% of iron and 3.6% of calcium, followed closely by Na, K, Mg and Ti.

12. The poorest conductor of heat among metals is
(a) Lead
(b) Mercury
(c) Calcium
(d) Sodium

Ans: (a) Lead


Lead is the poorest conductor of heat as it conducts heat very slowly so it acts as an insulator and used as lead coolant rods in many reactions.

13. Which property of metals is used for making bells and strings of musical instruments like Sitar and Violin?
(a) Sonorousness
(b) Malleability
(c) Ductility
(d) Conductivity

Ans: (a) Sonorousness


Sonorousness is the property of metal by which it makes a sound. Hence, it is used for making bells and strings of musical instruments like Sitar and Violin.

14. Al2O3 + 2NaOH → …… + H2O
(a) Al(OH)3
(b) Na2O
(c) NaAlO2
(d) AlNaO2

Ans: NaAlO2


Aluminum oxide react with sodium hydroxide to produce sodium aluminate and water. This reaction takes place at a temperature of 900-1100°C.

This is an acid-base reaction (neutralization): Al 23 is an acid, NaOH is a base

Aluminium reacts with both acids as well as bases. It is an amphoteric metal.

15. Which of the following is the correct arrange-ment of the given metals in ascending order of their reactivity?
Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium
(a) Zinc > Iron > Magnesium > Sodium
(b) Sodium > Magnesium > Iron > Zinc
(c) Sodium > Zinc > Magnesium > Iron
(d) Sodium > Magnesium > Zinc > Iron

Ans: (d) Sodium > Magnesium > Zinc > Iron


In order of decreasing reactivity, the metals potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper can be put in order of their reactivity from their reactions with water and dilute acids.

16. Which of the following pairs will give dis-placement reactions?
a) FeSO4 solution and Copper metal
(b) AgNO3 solution and Copper metal
(c) CuSO4 solution and Silver metal
(d) NaCl solution and Copper metal

Ans: (b) AgNO3 solution and Copper metal


Since copper is more reactive than silver so it will displace silver from silver nitrate.

17. Non-metals form covalent chlorides because
(a) they can give electrons to chlorine
(b) they can share electrons with chlorine
(c) they can give electrons to chlorine atoms to form chloride ions
(d) they cannot share electrons with chlorine atoms

Ans: (b) they can share electrons with chlorine


Covalent bonding occurs when pairs of electrons are shared by atoms. Nonmetals will readily form covalent bonds with other nonmetals in order to obtain stability, and can form anywhere between one to three covalent bonds with other nonmetals depending on how many valence electrons they posses

18. Which of tire following are not ionic compounds?
(i) KCl
(ii) HCl
(iii) CCl4
(iv) NaCl
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)

Ans: (b) (ii) and (iii)


Non-ionic compounds are those that have covalent bonds. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) form covalent due to sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms.

19. The highly reactive metals like Sodium, Potas-sium, Magnesium, etc. are extracted by the
(a) electrolysis of their molten chloride
(b) electrolysis of their molten oxides
(c) reduction by aluminium
(d) reduction by carbon

Ans: (a) electrolysis of their molten chloride


The highly reactive metals like SodiumPotassiumMagnesiumetc. are extracted by the electrolysis of their molten chloride.

20. Which of the following non-metal is lustrous?
(a) Sulphur
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Iodine

Ans: (d) Iodine


Diamond and iodine are two exceptions and are lustrous non-metal.

21. Example of an amphoteric oxide is:
(a) Na2O
(b) K2O
(C) Al2O3
(d) MgO

Ans: (C) Al2O3


Metal oxides which react with both acids as well as bases to produce salts and water are known as amphoteric oxides. Many metals (such as zinc, tin, lead, aluminium, and beryllium) form amphoteric oxides or hydroxides

22, The process in which a carbonate ore is heated strongly in the absence of air to convert it into metal oxide is called
(a) Roasting
(b) Reduction
(c) Calcination
(d) Smelting

Ans: (c) Calcination


Calcination refers to heating a solid chemical compound to high temperatures in absence or limited supply air or oxygen, generally for the purpose of removing impurities or volatile substances

23. Galvanisation is a method of protecting iron from rusting by coating with a thin layer of
(a) Galium
(b) Aluminium
(c) Zinc
(d) Silver

Ans: (c) Zinc


This process of coating iron and steel with a coating of zinc is called galvanisation. Clearly, we can conclude that Galvanisation is a method of protecting iron from rusting, by coating with a thin layer of Zinc.

24. Amalgam is an alloy of
(a) Copper and Tin
(b) Mercury
(c) Lead and Tin
(d) Copper and Zinc

Ans: (b) Mercury


An amalgam is an alloy of mercury with one or more other metals. Most dental amalgams are called silver amalgams since silver is the principal constituent that reacts with mercury.

25. Copper objects lose their shine and form green coating of
(a) Copper oxide
(b) Copper hydroxide and Copper oxide
(c) Basic Copper carbonate
(d) Copper carbonate

Ans: (c) Basic Copper carbonate


The copper object loses its shine after some time is due to the formation of the copper oxide layer on them. When a copper object reacts with damp air, CO2, and water. It forms a green coating of basic copper carbonate on the surface of the object.

26. The ability of metals to be drawn in to wires is known as

A) Ductility                    B)Malleability                 C)Sonority                       D)Conductivity

 Answer :(A)

27. Due to its semi conductor properties the non metal used in computers, TV etc

A ) Carbon               B) Silicon              C) Bromine                    D) Fullerene

Answer :(B)

28. Which of the following metal exist in their native form in nature?

A) Cu                B )Au                    C) Zn              D) Fe

Answer :(B)

29. Which of the following metals are refined by electrolysis?

A) Al                  B) Na                 C) Cu                   D) K

Answer :(C)

30. The element A is very soft in nature and can be cut with knife. This is very reactive to air and cannot be kept open. It reacts vigorously with water. Identify the element from the following.

A) Mg                     B) Na                        C) P                            D) Ca

Answer :(B)

 31. Alloys are the homogeneous mixture of metals with a non metal. Which among the following alloys contain non-metals as one of its constituents?

 A) Brass                      B) Bronze                   C) Amalgam                             D) Steel

Answer :(D)

32. Generally non-metals are not conductors of electricity. Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?

 A) Diamond                        B) Graphite                      C) Fullerene                   D) Sulphur


33. Which of the following is iron ore

A)Cinnabar                   B)Calamine                       C) Hematite                            D) Rock salt

Answer :(C)

34. The metal which can be extracted from bauxite ore is

A) Na             B) Mn                C) Al                     D) Hg


35. In stainless steel alloy, iron metal is mixed with

A)Cu and Cr                B) Cr and Ni                 C) Cr and Sn                            D) Cu and Ni


36. Rock salt is an ore of one of the following metal. This metal is

 A) Mn                  B) Na                      C) Cu                           D) Cu


37. Which one of the following pair will give Displacement Reaction?  

A) AgNo3 solution and Copper metal               B) FeSo4 solution and Copper metal  

C) CuSo4solution and silver metal                    D) NaCl solution and Copper metal


38. Which of the following non- metal is lustrous?

A) Sulphur                      B) Oxygen                    C) Nitrogen                          D) Iodine

Answer :(D)

39. Examples of amphoteric oxide is

A) Na2O                   B) K2O                   C) Al2O3                         D) MgO

Answer :(C)

40. The atomic number of element ‘X’ is 12 which inert gas is nearest to ‘X’

A) He                       B) Ar                    C) Ne                             D) Kr

Answer :(C)

41. The process in which Carbonate ore is heated strongly in absence of air to convert it in to metal oxide is called

 A) Roasting               B) Reduction            C) Calcination                    D) Melting

Answer :(C)

 42. Oxides of moderately reactive metals like Zinc, Iron, Nickel, Tin,Copper etc reduced by using

A) Sodium as reducing agent B) Carbon as reducing agent

C) Aluminum as reducing agent D) Calcium as reducing agent.

Answer :(B)

43. Galvanization is method of protecting iron from rusting by coating a thin layer of

A) Gallium                    B) Aluminium                  C) Zinc                        D) Silver

Answer :(C)

44. In the extraction of Copper, the flux used is  

A) CaO                     B) SiO2               C) FeO                   D) FeSiO2

Answer :(B)

45. In electrolytic refining of Copper, the electrolyte used is

A) CuO                 B) Cu(OH)2              C) Acidified CuSO4 (aq)                D) CuSO4(s)


46.Which one of the following metal do not react with cold as well as hot water

A) Na                B) Ca                    C) Mg                           D) Fe


47. Generally metals are solid in nature. Which one of the following metals is in liquid state at room temperature?

A) Na                       B) Fe                         C) Cr                                    D) Hg.

Answer :(D)

48. Which of the following can undergo a chemical reaction?

 A) MgSO4+Fe             B) ZnSO4+Fe                C) MgSO4+Pb              D) CuSO4+Fe


49. An element reacts with oxygen to give compound with high melting point. This compound is also soluble in water. This element likely to be

 A) Calcium                        B) Carbon                         C) Silicon                         D) iron


50. Food cans are coated with tin and not with Zinc because

 A) Zinc is costlier than tin                        B) Zinc has a higher melting point

C) Zinc is more reactive than tin            D) Zinc is reactive than tin


51. Calcination is

A) Heating the ore in a limited supply of air         B) Heating the ore in access of air

C) Cooling the ore                                                          D) none of these

Answer :(A)

52. What happens when calcium is treated with water?

A) It does not react with water. Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed stick to the surface of calcium

B) It reacts less violently with water

C) It does not react with water, it reacts violently with water

D) It reacts violently with water..Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed stick to the surface of calcium

 Answer :(D)

53. Which of the following property is generally not shown by the metal?

 A) Electrical conduction      B) Sonorous in nature         C) dullness            D) Ductility


54. The non-metal that is liquid in room temperature

A) Mercury               B) Bromine                 C) Carbon                        D) Helium

 Answer :(B)

55. The sulphide ore are converted in to oxides by heating strongly in the presence of access air. This process known as

A) Roasting                B) Smelting                C) Calcination                    D) Refining


56. In electrolytic refining, the cathod is made up of

A) Impure metal                B) Pure metal                 C) Alloy                D) metallic salt


57. Silver articles become black on prolonged exposure to air. This is due to the formation of

A) Ag3N                 B) Ag2S                 C) AgO                    D) Ag3N and Ag2S


58. If copper is kept opening air, it slowly loses its shining brown surface and gains a green coating. It is due to the formation of

 A) CuSO4               B) CuCo3             C) Cu(NO3)2                D) CuO


34. An alloy is

A) An element                                          B) A compound    

C) A homogeneous mixture                 D) heterogeneous mixture


59. Which among the given statement Is incorrect for magnesium metal.

A) It burns in oxygen with dazzling flame

B) It reacts with cold water to form magnesium oxide and evolves hydrogen gas

C) It reacts with hot water to form magnesium oxide and evolves hydrogen gas

D) It reacts with hot water to form magnesium oxide and evolves hydrogen gas


60. Which of the given metal is present in the mud during the electrolytic refining of copper?

A) Sodium                    B) Aluminium                      C) Gold                         D) Iron


61. The second most abundant metal in the earth crust is

A) Oxygen                    B) Aluminium                         C) Silicon                              D) Iron


62. An alloy of Zinc and Cu is dissolved in dil HCl.Hydrogen gas evolved in this evolution of gas

A) Only Zinc reacts with dil HCl.                                      B) Only Cu reacts with dil HCl

C) Both Zinc and Copper react with dil HCl.                D) Only Copper reacts with water


63. A student placed an iron nail in copper sulphate solution. He observed the reddish brown coating on the iron nail which is

A) Soft and dull                              B) hard and fading

C) Smooth and shining                D) Rough and granular


64. An electrolytic cell consists of

 (a) Positively charged cathode            (b) Negatively charged cathode

 (c) P ositively charged anode              (d) Negatively charged cathode.

A) (a) and (b)           B) (c) and (d)

C) (a) and (c)            D) (b) and (d)



3. Periodic Classification of Elements

1. The number of groups and periods in the modern periodic table respectively, are (June-2019)

 (A) 7 and 9                   (B) 18 and 7                     (C) 7 and 18                         (D) 9 and 7.

Ans: (B) 18 and 7  

2. The electronic configuration of element X is 2, 8, 8, 1 and the electronic configuration of element Y is 2, 8, 7. Then the type of bond formed between these two elements is (march-2019)

(A) covalent bond                            (B) hydrogen bond

(C) metallic bond                             (D) ionic bond

Ans:  (D) ionic bond

3. In modern periodic table, as we move from left to right along the period, the atomic size of the elements. (KSEEB MQP – 1- 2020-21)

A. increases                                 B. does not change

C. decreases                                D. first increases and then decreases

Ans:  (D) ionic bond

4. In the Mendeleev’s periodic table gaps were left for the element to be discovered later. Which of the following element found a place in the periodic table later? (KSEEB MQP-3 2020-21)

a. Germanium                   b. Silicon                     c. Nitrogen                   d. Argon

Ans: a. Germanium 

5. In modern periodic table, as we move from left to right along the period the metallic nature of the element  (KSEEB MQP-4 2020-21)

(a) Increases                                      (b) Does not change

 (c) Decreases                                    (d) first increases & then decreases

Ans:  (c) Decreases  

6. The number of groups and periods in the modern periodic and table respectively, are__________

A.7 and 9                     B.18 and 7                    C.7 and 18                         D.9 and 7

Ans: B. 18 and 7

7. The electronic configuration of element X is 2,8,8,1 and the electronic configuration of element Y is 2, 8, 7. Then the type of bond formed between these twoelements is______

A.Covalent bond           B.Hydrogen bond             C.Metallic bond                   D.Ionic bond

Ans: D.Ionic bond

8. The atomic numbers of elements A,B,C and D are 3,9,4 and 8 respectively. Elementshaving metallic nature among these are_________________

A.B and D             B.A and                 C C.A and C                  D.B and C

Ans: C. A and C

9. In modern periodic table, as we move from left to right along the period, the atomic size ofthe elements_________________

A.Increases                            B.Does not change

C.Decreases                           D.First increases and then decreases

Ans: C. Decreases

10. In modern periodic table,as we move from left to right the metallic property of theelements_________________

A.Increases                           B.Does not change

C.Decreases                          D.First increases and then decreases

Ans: C. Decreases

11. The scientist who proposed the modern periodic table__________________

A.Newland             B.Henry Moseley               C.Dobereiner                            D.Mendeleev

Ans: B.Henry Moseley

12. The number of valence electrons present in nitrogen atom______________

A.5                 B.7                   C.6                    D.8

Ans: A. 5

13. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the periodic table as _______________

 A. Na                   B. Mg                      C. Al                             D. Si

Ans.B. Mg

14. The law of octaves was found to be applicable to elements ________________

A.Oxygen               B.Calcium            C.Cobalt                     D.Potassium

Ans: B. Calcium

15. According to Mendeleev’s Periodic law, the elements were arranged in the periodic table in the order of_____________________

A. Increasing atomic number                B.Decreasing atomic number

C.Increasing atomic masses                   D.Decreasing atomic masses

Ans: C. Increasing atomic masses

16. In Mendeleev’s periodic Table, gaps were left for the elements to be discovered later. Which of the following elements found a place in the periodic table later?

A. Germanium                B. Chloride                   C. Oxygen                              D. Silicon

Ans: A. Germanium

17. Where would you locate the element with electronic configuration 2, 8 in the modern periodic table?

A.Group                  8 B. Group                     2 C. Group                   18 D. Group 10

Ans: C. Group 18

18. An element which is an essential constituent of all organic compounds belong to _______

A.Group 1                 B. Group 14                  C. Group                   15 D. Group 16

Ans: B. Group 14

19. Which of the following is the outermost shell for elements of period 2?

A.K shell                      B. L shell                   C. M shell                          D. N shell

Ans: B. L shell

20. Which one of the following elements exhibit maximum number of valence electrons?

A.Na                 B. Al                    C.Si                     D. P

Ans: D. P

21. Which among the following elements has the largest atomic radii?

A.Na                 B. Mg                 C. K                         D.Ca

 Ans: C. K

22. Which one of the following elements would lose an electron easily?

A.Mg                B. Na                      C. K                    D. Ca

 Ans:C. K

23. Which of the following elements does not lose an electron easily?

A.Na              B. F                   C. Mg                            D. Al

Ans: B. F

24. What type of oxide would Eka-aluminium form?

A.EO3                      B. E3O2                   C. E2O3                     D. EO

Ans:C. E2O3

 25. Three elements B, Si and Ge are ___________________

A. Metals                               B. Non- metals

C. Metalloids                        D. Metals, non-metals and metalloids

Ans: C. Metalloids

26.On moving from left to right in a short period, the valency of elements with respect to hydrogen _________________

A. increases                                       B. decreases                         

C. remains unchanged                    D. first increases from 1 to 4 then decreases from 4 to 1.

Ans: D. first increases from 1 to 4 then decreases from 4 to 1

27. Modern periodic table is based on ______________

A. atomic weight                             B. equivalent weight

C. molecular weight                       D. atomic number Ans: D. atomic number

28. Which of the following statements is not a correct statement about the trends when going from left to right across the periods of periodic table_______________________?

A. The elements become less metallic in nature.

B. The number of valence electrons increases.

 C. The atoms lose their electrons more easily.

D. The oxides become more acidic.

Ans: C. The atoms lose their electrons more easily. (On moving from left to right across the periods of the periodic table, the non-metallic Character increases. Hence, the tendency to lose electrons decreases.)

29. Element X forms a chloride with the formula XCl2, which is a solid with a high melting point. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as _____________

A.Na                 B. Mg                 C. Al                   D. Si

Ans: B. X would most likely be in the same group of the Periodic Table as magnesium (Mg).

30. An atom has electronic configuration 2, 8, 7.The atomic number of this element is____

A.17          B.18                 C.19                        D.20

Ans: A.17

31.Mendeleev used these as a criteria in his periodic table _________________

A. Hydrides and Chlorides                      B. Chlorides and Oxides

C. Hydrides and Oxides                           D. Hydrides, chlorides and oxides

Ans: C. Hydrides and Oxides

32. Identify the formula that does not represent the triads______________

A. ( A+C )/2 = B               B. (A - C) =2B                C. 2B - C =A                        D. 2B -A = C

Ans: B. (A - C) =2B

33. Which of the following is the correct increasing order of the atomic radii of the elements oxygen, fluorine and nitrogen?

 A. O < F < N                B. N < F < O                  C. O < N < F               D. F < O < N

Ans: D. F < O < N

 34. The elements A, B and C belong to group 2, 14 and 16 respectively, of the periodic table. Which of the elements will form covalent bonds?

A. A andB                    B. B and C                         C. C and A                 D.A

Ans: B. B and C

35. An element X belongs to the 3rd period and 1st group of the periodic table. What is the number of valence electrons in its atom?

A. 1                 B. 3                     C. 6                            D. 8

Ans: A. 1

36. An element M is in group 13th of the periodic table, the formula of its oxideis ________

A. MO                        B. M2O3                      C. M3O2                     D. MO2

Ans: B. M2O3

37. Observe the table and identify the formula of oxide of lithium ___________

A.LiO                     B. Li2O                   C. LiO2                       D. Li2O3

Ans: A.LiO

38. In the second period the most metallic element is _____________________

A. Be - as it has more protons                  B. Li - it is with least nuclear charge

C. F- as it is most electro negative           D. Ne – as it has completely filled shell

 Ans: B. Li - it is with least nuclear charge

34. Electronic configuration of carbon is

A. 2, 2                    B. 2, 3                   C. 2, 4                     D. 2, 5

Ans: C. 2, 4

39. Number of valence electrons found in the element with atomic number 19 is

A. 1                     B. 2                    C 3                          D. 4

Ans: A. 1

40. A, B, C,D, E are the elements belongs to group 1,2,13, 14, 16 respectively. Most electronegative element in the group is

 A. A               B. D                C. B                D. E

Ans: D. E

41. Correct arrangement of the elements according to increasing order of their nuclear charge is

A. Li > Be > B > C > N > O > F

B. Li < B < Be < C < N < O < F

 C. Li > B > Be > C > O > N > F

D. Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F

 Ans: D. Li < Be < B < C < N < O < F

42. Identify the element that has the tendency to lose the electrons most easily.

A. Ca                           B. Na                         C. K                               D. Mg

Ans: C. K

43. A metal ‘M’ is in the 13th group of the Periodic Table. Its oxide formula and valency are __

A. MO , 2                 B. M2O , 2                C. M2O3 , 3                     D. M3O2 , 3

Ans: C. M2O3 , 3

44. Consider the elements - 20Ca, 8O, 18Ar, 16S, 4Be, 2Hewhich of the above elements would you expect to be in group 16 of the Periodic Table?

A.20Ca and 16S                     B.20Ca and 8O          C.18Ar and 16S          D.8O and 16S

Ans: D. 8O and 16S

45. In the modern periodic table, which element are completely filled with electrons?

A. Be , He, Ne             B. He , Ar, K                C.He, Ne, Ar                   D. He. Ni, Ar,

Ans: C.He, Ne, Ar

46. Identify the element E, with 2 shells and forms a magnesium compound with a formula MgE

A. Cl                     B. B              C. S                      D. O

Ans: D. O

47. In the modern periodic table, Eka aluminium can placed in the group ___________

A. 2                       B. 3                    C. 13                  D.14

Ans: C. 13

48. The element with three shells, having four electrons in its valence shell is ____________

A.Carbon                      B. Silicon                  C. Sulphur                    D. Phosphorous

Ans: B. Silicon

49. The element with two shells, loses three electrons from its valence shell is ___________

A.Carbon                     B.Boron                   C.Beryllium                      D Aluminium

Ans: B. Boron

46. The element that has electrons twice as many electrons in its second shell as in its first shell

A.Carbon                       B.Beryllium                      C.Boron                             D.Nitrogen

Ans: A. Carbon

50. In the above table, most non-metallic element is ______________

A. A                  B. C                   C. I                    D. F

Ans: B. C

51. In the above table, most metallic element ____________

A.A                     B. C                      C.I                         D. F

Ans: D. F

52. Maximum number of elements found in the second and third periods is ____________

A. 2 and 8                     B. 8 and 18                    C. 8 and 8                 D. 18 and 18

Ans: C. 8 and 8

 53. (A+C)/2 = B can be related to the law _____________________________

A. Mendeléev’s periodic law                     B.Döbereiner’s law of triads

 C. Newlands’ Law of Octaves                   D. Modern periodic law

Ans: B. Döbereiner’s law of triads

54. In Newlands’ periodic table the elements kept in the same slot are _______________

A. Co and Ni                    B. Cu and Ni                  C. Ni and Ce                  D. Co and Cr

Ans: A. Co and Ni


4.Carbon and its compounds

1. An example for saturated hydrocarbon is (june-2020)

 (A) C2H6                (B) C3 H4               (C) C2H 2                (D) C2H 4.

Ans: (A) C2H6      

2. The molecular formula of three carbon compounds which are in homologous series are C2H6, C3 H8, C4H10 . The suitable general formula for these compounds is (june-2020)

 (A) Cn H 2n       (B) Cn H 2n − 1      (C) Cn H 2n − 2      (D) Cn H 2n + 2

Ans:  (D) Cn H 2n + 2

3. The functional groups present in propanol and propanal respectively are (March-2019)

(A) — OH and — CHO                               (B) — OH and — COOH

(C) — CHO and — COOH                          (D) — CHO and — CO

 Ans: (A) — OH and — CHO   

4. The hydrocarbon that undergoes addition reaction among the following is: (KSEEB MQP-1 2020-21)

A. C2 H6                 B. C3 H8                    C. CH4                     D. C3 H6

Ans:  D. C3 H6

4. The name of carbon compound is : (KSEEB MQP-1 2020-21)

A. Methanal            B. Methanone             C. Ethanal               D. Methanoic acid

Ans:  A. Methanal 

5. The alkane having six hydrogen atoms is : (KSEEB MQP-1 2020-21)

a) ethane    b) propane     c) butane     d) pentane

Ans: a) ethane

6. The name of Carbon compound  (KSEEB MQP-2 2020-21)

A) Methanal           B) Methanone          C) Ethanoic acid       D) Ethanal.

Ans: C) Ethanoic acid

7. Which of the following will undergo addition reaction?  (KSEEB MQP-3 2020-21)

a. C3H8                   b. C5H12                 c. CH4                   d. C4H8

Ans: d. C4H8

8. The image represents a carbon compound Which functional group is present in the compound? (KSEEB MQP-4 2020-21)

(a) alcohol                    (b) aldehyde                  (c) ketone                      (d) carboxylic acid.

Ans:  (c) ketone   

9. An example for saturated hydrocarbon is: (KSEEB MQP-5 2020-21)

a) C2H6                   b) C3H4                    c) C2H2                                d) C2H4

Ans: a) C2H6    

10. The property of self – linkage among identical atoms to form long chain compounds is known as?

a) Catenation.           b) Isomerisation’s         c) Superposition.         d) Halogenations.

Ans:a) Catenation.

11. Which of the following belongs to homologous series of alkynes?

a) C3H8            b) C5H8         c)C3H6              d) C6H6.

Ans: b) C5H8

12. The hydrocarbon that undergoes addition reaction among the follow is

a) C2H6               b) C3H8            c) CH4              d) C3H6

Ans: d) C3H6

13. An example for saturated hydrocarbon is

 a) C3H6              b) C5H12              c) C2H2               d) C2H4

Ans: b) C5H12

14. The functional groups present in propanol and propanal respectively are

a) - OH and - CHO.                   b)- OH and - COOH.

c)- CHO and - COOH.              d)-CHO and - CO.

Ans: a) - OH and - CHO.

15. The name and the molecular formula of the saturated hydrocarbon having general formula CnH2n and containing 3 Carbon atoms

 a) Propane C3H8     b) Cyclopropane C3H6      c) propyne C3H4      d) propeneC3H6

Ans: b) Cyclopropane C3H6

16. Which of the following statements about graphite and diamond is true?

a) They have the same crystal structure.

b) They have the same degree of hardness

c) They have the same electrical conductivity.

d) They can undergo the same chemical reactions.

Ans: d) They can undergo the same chemical reactions.

17. The number of covalent bonds in C5H12 is

a) 16.       b) 18.        c) 12.       d) 15.

Ans: a) 16.

18. The unsaturated oil on treating with hydrogen in the presence of palladium or nickel catalyst form fats, this is an example of

a) Addition reaction.                        b) Substitution reaction.

c) Displacement reaction.               d) Oxidation reaction.

Ans: a) Addition reaction.

19. Which of the given has double bond?

a) Hydrogen molecule.                 b) Oxygen molecule.

c) Nitrogen molecule                    d) Methane molecule

ans: b) Oxygen molecule.

20. The Soap molecule has a

a) Hydrophilic Head & a hydrophobic tail.

b) Hydrophobic Head & a Hydrophilic tail.

c) Hydrophobic Head & a hydrophobic tail.

d) Hydrophilic Head & a Hydrophilic tail.

Ans: a) Hydrophilic Head & a hydrophobic tail.

21. Which of the following cannot exhibit isomerism?

a) C4H10           b) C5H12            c) C2H6                 d) C6H14

ans: c) C2H6

22. Two hydrocarbons ‘A’ and ‘B’ have same molecular formula C5H10. By using this statement identify the correct option.

a) ‘A’ is a cyclic compound& ‘B’ is an open chain compound both has double bond.

b) ‘A’ is a cyclic compound with single bond & ‘B’ is an open chain compound with double bond.

c) ‘A’ is a cyclic compound with double bond & ‘B’ is an open chain compound with single bond.

d) ‘A’ is a cyclic compound & ‘B’ is an open chain compound both have single bond.

Ans: b) ‘A’ is a cyclic compound with single bond & ‘B’ is an open chain compound with double bond.

23. While cooking, if the bottom of the utensil is getting blackened on the outside, it means that:

a) The food is not cooked completely.       b) The fuel is not burning completely.

c) The fuel is wet.                                             d) The fuel is burning completely.

Ans: b) The fuel is not burning completely.

24. Which of the following compound on repeated chlorination forms chloroform and carbon tetra chloride?

a) C2H6                   b) C3H8                     c) CH4                      d) C3H6

ans: c) CH4

25. Which of the following is a correct name of this compound?

a) propene               b) propane            c) butyne                 d) propyne

ans: d) propyne

26. Identify the correct name of the following compound?

a) pentanol        b) pentanal       c) pentanoic acid         d) butanal

ans: b) pentanal

27. Why soap does not work well with hard water containing Ca+2 or Mg+2 ions. Because,

a) It react with Ca+2 or Mg+2 to form a solution

 b) It reacts with oily dirt to form a white precipitate.

c) It reacts with Ca+2 or Mg+2 to form a white precipitate.

d) It reacts with Ca+2 or Mg+2 to form a Colloidal solution.

Ans: c) It reacts with Ca+2 or Mg+2 to form a white precipitate.

28. When ethanoic acid is treated with NaHCO3 the gas evolved is

(a) H2             (b) CO2            (c) CH4                   (d) CO

Ans: (b) CO2

29. Ethanol on complete oxidation gives

(a) acetic acid/ethanoic acid              (b) CO2 and water

(c) ethanol                                               (d) acetone/ethanone

Ans: (b) CO2 and water

30. Name the functional group present in CH3COCH3.

a) Alcohol                (b) Carboxylic acid                 (c) Ketone                (d) Aldehyde

 Ans: (c) Ketone

31. Addition reactions are undergone by

(a) Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes)                      (b) Only alkenes

(c) Only alkynes                                                                (d) both alkenes and alkynes

Ans: (d) Both alkenes and alkynes

32. A hydrocarbon has four carbon atoms. Give its molecular formula if it is an alkene.

(a) C4H10                  (b)C4H8                        (C) C4H6                          (d) C4H4

Ans: (b) C4H8

33. The first member of the alkynes homologous series is

(a) propyne                   (b) ethyne                 (c) methane                     (d) ethene

Ans: (b) ethyne

34. While cooking, if the bottom of the vessel is getting blackened on the outside, it means that:

a) The food is not cooked completely                   b) The fuel is not burning completely

c) The fuel is wet                                                        d) The fuel is burning completely

ans: b) The fuel is not burning completely

35. Which of the following is the molecular formula of cyclobutane?

a) C4H10                  b) C4H6                     c) C4H8                    d) C4H4

ans: c) C4H8

36. Which of the followings is the major constituent of the liquefied petroleum gas?

a) Methane                      b) Ethane                  c) Propane                      d) Butane

ans: d) Butane

37. Oils on treating with hydrogen in the presence of palladium or nickel catalyst form fats. This is an example of

A. Addition reaction                          B. Substitution reaction

C. Displacement reaction                   D. Oxidation reaction

Ans: A. Addition reaction

38. In which of the given compounds -OH is the functional group?

A. Butanone                 B. Butanol                  C. Butanoic                       D. Butanal

Ans: B. Butanol

39. Complete combustion of a hydrocarbon gives

A. CO+H₂O                 B. CO₂+H₂O                  C. CO+H₂                          D. CO₂+H₂

Ans: B. CO₂+H₂O

40. Which is not correct for isomers of a compound?

 A. They differ in physical properties             B. They differ in chemical properties

C. They have same molecular formula           D. They have same structural formula

Ans:D. they have same structural formula

41. The name of the compound, CH₃ ─ CH₂ ─ CHO is:

A. Propanal               B. Propanone                 C. Ethanol              D. Ethanal

Ans: A. Propanal

42. How many electrons are there in the outermost shell of carbon?

A. 1              B. 2                  C. 3                     D. 4

Ans: D. 4

43. Which of the given has a triple bond?

A. Hydrogen molecule               B. Oxygen molecule

C. Nitrogen molecule                 D. Ammonia molecule

Ans: C. Nitrogen molecule

44. How many single bonds are present in methane?

A. Four               B. Five                 C. Six                    D. Three

Ans: A. Four

45. Two neighbors of homologous series differ by

 A. –CH                   B. -CH₂                     C. -CH₃                       D. -CH₄

Ans: B. -CH₂

46. Which one of the given is an unsaturated hydrocarbon?

A. Acetylene                B. Butane                C. Propane                  D. Decane

Ans: A. Acetylene

47. Chlorine reacts with saturated hydrocarbons at room temperature in the

(a) absence of sunlight                      (b) presence of sunlight

(c) presence of water                         (d) presence of hydrochloric acid

Ans: (b) presence of sunlight 


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