Sunday 30 May 2021

KREIS Science Model Question Paper - 4 Key Answer


Key Answer



Sub: Science                 Sub. Code: 83E                   Time: 3.15 Hour             Max Marks: 80


I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.                                               3 x 1 = 3

(1) What is the relationship between resistance and current

(a) They are directly related to each other

 (b) They are inversely related to each other

(c) The resistance has greater magnitude than current

(d) The current has a greater magnitude than resistance

Ans: (b) They are inversely related to each other

(2) Appliances that have metal body are generally connected to the earthing wire what is the reason to earth these wires ?

(a) To prevent excess of current

(b) To prevent the leakage of current

(c) To prevent extra current to appliance

(d) So prevent high resistance to the appliance

Ans:  b) To prevent the leakage of current

(3) I dioptre of power of a lens is equal

(a) 1 m-1                       (b) m                            (c) 1m                       (d) 1m-2

Ans: (a) 1 m-1                    

II. Answer the following.                                              1X2=2m   

(4) The power of lens is -20, what is focal length ?


Power of a lens is -20D, negative sign indicates it is a Concave lens

Focal length (in meters)=1/power of the lens,

Thus,  focal length=1/20 = 0.05m = 5cm.

(5) The speed of light in air is 3X108  ms -1 where as that of the speed of light in water is 2.26 X 108  ms -1 what is the refractive index of water with respect to air ?


Refractive index of water with respect to air =  speed of light in water/speed of light in air

= 2.26 X 108  ms -1 / 3X108  ms -1

= 1.3

III. Answer the following.                                            2X3=6m

(6) Draw the ray diagram to show the formation of image by a convex lens when the object is kept in 2F


(7)  Study the following electric circuit and find

(a) The current flowing in the circuit and

(b) The potential difference across 10 Ω resistor


R = R1 + R2 = 10 + 20 = 30Ω

      V = 3 V

(i) From ohm's law V = IR 

3 = I × 30   I = 3 / 30 = 1 / 10 Ampere or 0.1 A

(ii) Potential difference across 10Ω resistor 

V = IR 

= 1 / 10 = 1 volt  

(8) Find the current flowing through the following electric circuit


Series combination of 1 Ω and 3 Ω resistance is in parallel combination with 6 Ω .Their equivalent resistance is 

Now, 3.6 Ω 2.4 Ω and 3 Ω are in series, their equivalent resistance be 

Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 = 3.6 + 2.4 + 3 = 9 Ω

Hence, the current flowing through the circuit is

IV. Answer the following.                                                   3X3=9m

(9) Draw a neat labelled diagram of electric motor.


(10) (a) The image of an object placed at60 cm in front of a lens is obtained on a screen at a distance of 120 cm from it. Find the focal length of the lens. What would be the height of the image if the object is 5cm high ?





(b) List the sign conventions that are followed in case of refraction of light through spherical lenses. Draw a diagram and apply these conventions in determining the nature and focal length of a magnified real image of an object placed 16 cm from the lens.


Sign convention for the refraction of light is as follows. 

  •          All the distances are measured from the optical centre of the lens. 
  •          All the distances which are measured in the same direction of the incident light ray (left hand side of lens) will be taken as positive. 
  •          All the distances which are measured against the direction of incident light (right hand side) are taken as negative. 
  •          The perpendicular distances to principal axis in upward direction will be positive and those in downward direction will be taken as negative. 

Figure below illustrates the conventions more clearly.

According to the question. 

 Magnification (m) = -3 (real image is always inverted). 

Object distance (u) = -16cm. 

By Magnification Formula;

Magnification, m = v/u


v is the image distance, 

u is the object distance

Therefore the focal length is 12 cm. Since the focal length is positive, therefore the lens is convex lens. 

Figure below shows the ray diagram for the same.


(11) Biogas is an excellent fuel justify the statement by giving two reasons mention the main constituents of biogas


(i) It burns without smoke and leave no residue therefore causes no atmospheric pollution. (ii)Its heating capacity is high, i.e. it has high calorific value.

Main constituents of bio gas: Methane, Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen,  Hydrogen and Hydrogen sulphide 


State any three advantages of charcoal over wood.


·         Charcoal has a low ignition temperature or kindling point as compared to wood.

·         Charcoal produces less smoke than wood.

·         Charcoal has a higher calorific value than wood.

V. Answer the followings:                                                                   2X4=8m

(12) Explain the underlying principle and working of an electric generator.


Principle : The electric generator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a coil is rotated with respect to a magnetic field, the number of magnetic field lines through the coil changes. Due to this a current is induced in the coil whose direction can be found by Fleming’s right hand rule.

Working : When the armature coil ABCD rotates in a magnetic field produced by the permanent magnets, it cuts through the magnetic lines of force.
Due to the rotation of armature coil, the associated magnetic field changes and an induced electromagnetic force is produced in it. The direction of this induced electromotive force or current can be determined by using Fleming’s right hand rule.
In first half cycle the current flows in one direction by brush B1 and in second it flows in opposite direction by brush B2. This process continues. So the current produced is alternating in nature.
Functions of Brushes : Brushes in contact with rings provide the current for external use.


A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer what will happen if a bar magnet is 1) Pushed into the coil  2) Withdraw from inside the coil 3) Held stationary inside the coil


 (i) when magnet is pushed near a bar magnet then it induces current due to electromagnetic induction.
(ii) When the bar magnet is withdrawn from inside the coil of the insulated copper wire again the current is induced in the coil but this time it is in reverse direction.
(iii) When a bar magnet is held stationary inside the coil then no current is induced that’s why galvanometer will show no deflection.

(13) (a) Write two points of difference between electric energy and electric power (b) Out of 60w and 40w lamps, which one has higher electric resistance when in use. (c) What is the commercial unit of electric energy? Convert it into joules.


a) Electrical energy defines the energy generated due to the movement of charge carriers in a conductor. While electrical power specifies the rate of consumption of electrical energy by a device. The SI unit of electrical energy is Joules. But electrical power is measured in Watts (or KWh).

b) Resistance and power are inversely proportional to each other. So, lamp powered 40 W has more resistance than a 60 W lamp.

c) Commercial unit of electric energy is kilowatt hour(kWh). 


VI. For Alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete Sentences. Choose the correct alternatives and write the complete answer along its letter of alphabets. Choose the correct answer.                  1X3=3m

 (14) Most reactive metal among the following is

(a) Na                   (b) Mg                  (c) Zn                   (d) Cu

Ans: (a) Na                  

 (15) In modern periodic table, as we move from left to right along the period the metallic nature of the element

(a) Increases                                      (b) Does not change

 (c) Decreases                                    (d) first increases & then decreases

Ans: (c) Decreases                                    

(16) The image represents a carbon compound Which functional group is present in the compound? 

(a) alcohol                    (b) aldehyde                  (c) ketone                      (d) carboxylic acid.

Ans:  (c) ketone

VII. Answer the following.                                                                   1X3=3m

(17) Why electric wires are made up of copper?


Copper is a good conductor of electricity and it is not much expensive. This is the reason why the electric wires are made of copper

(18) Carbon from compound mainly by covalent bonding. Give reason for your answer.


Carbon forms covalent bonds with other atoms but not ionic bonds because Losing or gaining 4 electrons is not possible due to energy considerations in carbon. Hence, it shares electrons to form covalent bonds.

(19) 18th group elements are called as noble gases why?


These elements are non-reactive and are called noble gases as they have their outermost orbit complete. Due to stable electronic configuration they hardly react with other elements.

VIII. Answer the following.                                                          3X2=6m

 (20) Name the aldehyde having four carbon atoms and write its structure.



Explain the mechanism of cleaning action of soap.


Soaps and detergents contain two parts. A long hydrocarbon part which is hydrophobic (water repelling) in nature and a short ionic part which is hydrophillic (water attracting) in nature. The hydrocarbon part of the soap molecule links itself to the oily (dirt) drop and ionic end orients itself towards water and forms a spherical structure called micelles. The soap micelles helps in dissolving the dirt in water and wash our clothes.

 (21) Draw the diagram of reaction of Zinc granules with dil H2So4 and testing hydrogen gas by burning


(22) Dry hydrogen chloride gas does not turn blue litmus where as hydrochloric acid why?


Acidity is due to the ability of giving H+ ion. Dry hydrogen chloride does not give hydrogen ions and so it does not act as an acid and does not turn blue litmus red.

I X. Answer the following:                                                         3X3 =9m

 (23) Explain about the limitations of Newland’s law of octaves.


·         Law of Octaves only applicable upto calcium and after calcium every 8th did not possess properties similar to that of the first.

·         later on , several new elements were discovered, whose properties did not fit into the law of octaves.

·         Newlands'law of Octaves worked well with lighter elements only.

(24) Write the differences between soaps and detergents.




1. Sodium salt of Carboxylic acids

1. Sodium salts of benzene sulphonic acids.

2. Soaps are bio-degradable

2. Some detergents are non- biodegradable

3. Soaps do not lather in hard water

3. Detergent lather well in hard water

4. Weak cleansing action

4. Have strong cleansing action



Why micelle does form when soap is added to water?


Soap molecule has two ends. One end is hydrophilic and another end is hydrophobic. When soap is dissolved in water and clothes are put in the soapy solution, soap moleucles converge in a typical fashion to make a structure, called miceele. The hydrophobic ends of different molecules surroound a particle of grease and make the micelle, which is a spherical structure. In this, the hydrophilic end is outside the sphere and hydrophobic end is towards the centre of the sphere. This is why micelle formation takes place when soap is added to water.

(25) Draw the neat labelled diagram of electrolytic refining of copper.


X. Answer the following                                                           1X4=4m

(26) (a) What is corrosion ? Write the methods to prevent corrosion, which metals do not corrode easily ?


Corrosion is the process in which metals are eaten up gradually by the action of air, moisture or a chemical in their surface.

·         By painting.

·         BY applying grease or oil.

·         By tin plating and chromium plating.

·         By alloying it.

Noble metals such as gold and platinum do not corrode easily.

(b) What is an amphoteric oxide? Write the two chemical properties of metals?


Amphoteric oxides are the oxides that behave as both acidic and basic oxides.  Amphoteric oxides have properties of acidic as well as basic oxides that neutralize both acids and bases.

·         Metals are malleable and ductile.

·         Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.



XI. For Alternatives are given for each of the following questions/incomplete Sentences. Choose the correct alternatives and write the complete answer along its letter of alphabets. Choose the correct answer.                                                                         2X1=2m

(27) Which of these practices can be adopted to save the environment?

(a) Refuse the use of single - Use plastic bags

(b) Reduce the use of - paper bags

(c) Recycle single - use bags

(d) Reduce - waste food.

Ans: (d) Reduce - waste food.

(28) The correct sentences which respect to biodegradable substances.

(a) Remain insert in the environment for a long time

(b) Harm viruses organisms in the ecosystem

(c) Increase the density of harmful chemicals in difference topic levels

(d) undergo recycling neatly in the environment

Ans: (d) undergo recycling neatly in the environment

XII. Answer the following:                                                                                                     3X1=3m

(29) Mention the reason for depletion of Ozone layer


The reason for depletion of Ozone layer is Chlorofluorocarbons or CFC. These are released by solvents, spray aerosols, refrigerators, air-conditioners, etc.

(30) Why do we use fossil fuels judiciously?


We need to use fossil fuels judiciously because they are non-renewable resources. We need to conserve fossil fuels so we don't run out of them.

(31) Mention any two problems caused by the constructions of huge dams?


·         Economic problems : Construction of dams requires a huge amount of monetary investments

·         Environmental problems : Construction of dams across rivers leads to deforestation, which results in the loss of biodiversity. This disturbs the natural ecosystem. 

XIII. Answer the following:                                                    2X2=4m

(32) How are involuntary actions and reflex actions differ from each other?


Involuntary action is the set of muscle movement which do not require thinking. But it is controlled by brain for example beating of heart beat. While on the other hand, the reflex action is rapid and spontaneous action in response to any stimulus which doesn't involve brain.


Name the different types of tropisms exhibited by the plants and write their meaning.


The different types of tropisms are:

(i) Phototropism: The movement of plant parts in response to light is known as phototropism. The stimulus is light.

(ii) Geotropism: The movement of plant parts in response to gravity is known as geotropism. The stimulus is gravity.

 (iii) Hydrotropism: The movement of plant parts in response to water is known as hydrotropism. The stimulus is water.

(iv) Chemotropism: The movement of plant parts in response to chemicals is known as chemotropism. The stimulus is chemicals.

(33) Draw the diagram showing the longitudinal section of typical flower and label the parts.


XIV. Answer the following                                                         3X3 =9m

(34) Will Geographical isolation be a major factor in the speciation of a self pollination plant species ? why of why not ?


In a self-pollinating plant species, geographical isolation cannot be a major factor in speciation because no new trait can become a part of the genetic makeup in a self-pollination plant species. However, there are some chances of some environmental changes which might lead to some variations.

OR How is the sex of the child determined in human beings?


The males have XY sex chromosomes. They produce two types of gametes having X and Y chromosome. The females have XX chromosome. They produce only one type of gamete having X chromosome. If sperm is having X chromosome, then the child will be a girl. If sperm is having Y chromosome, then the child will be a boy. 

(35) What is the role of seminal vesicle and the prostate gland? What are the functions performed by the testis in human beings ?


Seminal vesicles and prostate gland occur in male reproductive system. The seminal vesicles and prostate gland add their secretios to the vas deferens which carries sperms from the testes. The secretions of seminal vesicles and prostate gland provide nutrition to the sperms and also make their further transport easier.

Testis are components of both the reproductive system and the endocrine system. The functions of the testicles are producing sperm and producing male sex hormones testosterone


What are the different methods of contraception? What are the functions of placenta? What are the changes seen in girl at the time of puberty?


Barriers, IUDs (IntraUterine Devices), Oral contraceptives, Implants, Injectables, and surgical methods.

Transmission of nutrients and oxygen from mother to the fetus and the release of carbon dioxide. The waste materials from the fetus is excreted through the placenta.

The various changes which occur in girls at puberty are: Hair grow under armpits and pubic region. Mammary glands (or breasts) develop and enlarge. Fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina enlarge. Ovaries start to release eggs. Menstruation (montly periods) starts.

 (36) (a) How are the areas of study of evolution and classification interlinked ?

(b) Differentiate between acquired traits and inherited traits.



Classification and evolution are highly interlinked fields of study because the classification of an organism is influenced by its evolution. An organism may have a different type of look based on its morphology and are classified into a different group as compared to the other organism.


XV. Answer the following                                                        1X4=4m

(37) Draw the diagram of showing in the longitudinal section of the human brain label the following parts (a) Pituitary gland (b) Cerebrum


XVI Answer the following                                                                1X5=5m

(38) (a) What are the components of the transport system in human beings what are functions of these components ?

(b) How are waste material excreted in plants ?



The main components of the transport system in human beings are the heart, blood, and blood vessels.

·         Heart pumps oxygenated blood throughout the body. It receives deoxygenated blood from the various body parts and sends this impure blood to the lungs for oxygenation.

·         Blood is a fluid connective tissue, it helps in the transport of oxygen, nutrients, CO2, and nitrogenous wastes.

·         Blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) carry blood either away from the heart to various organs or from various organs back to the heart.


  • Plants produce two gaseous waste products i.e. oxygen during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide during respiration. Excretion of gaseous waste in plants takes place through stomatal pores on leaves..
  • Excess of water is also excreted from the plant body through the stomatal pores and from the surfaces of fruits and stems. 
  • The gums, oils, latex, resins, etc. are some waste products stored in plant parts like barks, stems, leaves, etc. Eventually, plants shed off these parts. 


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